

Best Answer

Independent testing labs would disagree. I don't think that the majority of all commercial buildings and governments in the "World", would be doing it, if it didn't save $ and energy. Check out the savings just the government realized, when they did this during the last oil crisis. Honeywell has a good consumer site as does the government on energy savings using setback and reset strategies. lc

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Q: Are programmable thermostats effective some say bringing temp back wastes more energy than it saves?
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What companies offer programmable thermostats?

A few companies that offer programmable thermostats are DTE Energy and Energy Star. A programmable thermostat can save a household hundreds of dollars every year.

Will a programmable thermostat reduce your heating and cooling energy consumption?

Yes, programmable thermostats can reduce the energy used for air conditioning or heating by 5 to 30%. Programmable thermostats save money by turning the air conditioner to a higher setting (or heater to a lower setting) when no one is present in the house, or in the evenings when it is cooler. [From The Home Energy Saver a webpage from the Berkeley Lab website.] My monthly gas bill was $20/month lower after adding a programmable thermostat. I had already been turning down the heat when leaving the house, but the thermostat did it more efficiently and more regularly. My costs went up after adding a programmable thermostat, because my brother and I don't have a very consistent schedule. We would always turn up the thermostat when we left, and never forgot. Now that we have a programmable one, we don't worry about it, but since our schedules are not very consistent, the system runs a lot when we aren't there. Look into an Energex system. It solves that exact problem.

New Thermostat Installation?

form_title=Install a New Thermostat form_header=Programmable and energy efficient thermostats can save you money. Do you want to have an energy-saving thermostat installed?= () Yes () No Are you interested in a thermostat for a residence or business?= () Residence () Business What type of heating and cooling system do you have?=_

What are the benefits of programmable thermostat?

Programmable thermostats are the most convenient way to save money on your heating and air conditioning bills. Basically, they let you set up multiple temperature settings for different times of day. This means that if you are out of the house for long periods of time throughout the day, the thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature so your HVAC unit uses less energy without you having to touch it. Programmable thermostats also come with things like vacation settings which allow you to set the temperature to the most efficient level if you're going to be out of town for a while.

Are there any energy-efficient heating options available in Colorado Springs?

Yes, there are several energy-efficient Colorado Springs heating, options available in Colorado Springs. One popular choice is installing a high-efficiency furnace or heat pump, which can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Additionally, proper insulation, sealing air leaks, and using programmable thermostats can all contribute to energy efficiency in heating systems.

How effective is Hydro Energy?

Hydro energy, once placed on the transmission system, is as effective as energy generated by any other means.

Reducing Costs For Electricity?

Cut down on your electric bill by getting programmable thermostats. There is no need to run your AC or heater all day. Also consider investing in ceiling fans. Ceiling fans use a lot less energy than an AC and will greatly reduce your electric bill. One other great tip is to buy energy efficient appliances. Ask your local retailer about which appliances are energy efficient. These appliances can save you a lot of money in the long run. Buy energy efficient appliances. Ask your local retailer about which appliances are energy efficient. These appliances can save you a lot of money in the long run.

How can I make my home more energy efficient? has a great list of things you can do to improve energy efficiency. A few of the best ideas are adding insulation, a programmable thermostat, and using energy efficient appliances.

What is the meaning of bringing about a result without wasting time or energy?


What are 10 ways to conserve energy?

There are many ways to conserve energy. Some of these include changing light bulbs, using energy efficient appliances, sealing air leaks, installing a programmable thermostat, and conserving water.

Why is solar energy expensive?

Solar energy is so expensive because it is a relatively new concept for energy. The technology involved with bringing that energy to consumers is expensive.

Give some ways of saving of saving eletrical energy?

Get your house insulated, use energy-efficient appliances, open the windows in the morning/evening when its cooler, use a programmable thermostat, etc.