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Quartz comes in every color imaginable, but the most popular purple gemstone bead I think would be amethyst. Some quartz is even dyed. the most common quartz colors I have seen are clear, white, rose, yellow, and smoky. the smoky and rose quartz being my favorite. If you have purple gemstone beads and don't know what it is, it could be quartz but most likely amethyst

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Q: Are quartzite beads purple
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Quartzite is often referred to as "quartzite rock" or simply "quartzite." It is a metamorphic rock that is composed primarily of quartz grains.

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I think it's 9 or 27... because 3x3 is 9 and 3^3 is 27

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Are UV beads at hobby lobby?

yes - I have purchased them from there. although it just says purple on the packet for beads that are clear in the store with no mention of UV, but as soon as I walk out of the store they started to change.

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Is a called a plate

Is quartzite an igneous rock?

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock.

Is quartzite crystaline or non crystaline?

Quartzite is crystalline.

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Quartzite is metamorphosed sandstone.