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Q: Are receivers of organ transplants at risk of developing mental health problems?
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Related questions

What if your insurance doesn't cover transplants?

most health insurance plans do cover transplants...but not all.

Who is usually not at risk of developing long-term health problems related to alcohol?

adults over 21 who use alcohol responsibly

Does a forensic scientist have health benefits?

They seem to have an inside track on organs transplants for some reason.

Health problems is a serious concern in poor developing countries but not in more developed wealthy countries such as the US?

That is correct. In the US however it's mostly the high cost of health care that is a major concern.

Can termites cause health problems?

Can terminate health problems

How did radios impact the society in terms of health?

Radio receivers impacted the society positively in terms of health. Sitting and listening to a radio did not cause any repetitive stress, injuries or headaches (such as the modern age computers, which do cause such problems) and it provided quality time for the family when they sat and listened together.

What are the benefits of EGCG?

EGCG is an abundant and and extremely potent antioxidant that feature a variety of health benefits. For example, EGCG has been found to decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

How do you provide health care to developing countries?

In developing countries there are a lot of high technology that can be used in order to give better if not easier health care delivery to people living in developing countries. There is better health care insurances and people can really rely on the availability of supplies and man power to provide health care.

What exactly does supplemental health insurance supplement?

Supplemental health insurance supplements organ transplants, life threatening illness care; including cancer, and several other things that regular health insurance does not cover.

What can harmful or irritating materials do to your health?

Continually exposing oneself to hazardous materials can result in very serious health problems. For instance, people who worked construction in the 1970s, and were continually exposed to asbestos, are now developing very serious forms of cancer.

Did martin Luther king have health problems?

No i dont think he had any health problems do you?!

What are responsibilities of public health officials?

Providing educational programs Developing policies related to health