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Q: Are red eared slider turtles dangerous as pets?
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What small turtles make good pets?

red eared slider turtles make good pets.

Are red eared slider turttles good indoor pets?

Red-eared sliders are one of the most common types of turtles found in the pet trade, but ... are good for young turtles, but as red eared sliders mature ... more like indoor ... yes they are good indoor pets

What semi aquatic animals can live with red eared slider turtles?

I don't recommend that you purchase another species to live with your red-eared slider(s). In the end one of your pets will be eaten, harassed, or they might even pass parasites to one another. Therefore I suggest you get another red-eared slider rather than a whole different species to keep company for your pet. Remember the more terrapins you own, the more space is required.

Is it illegal to have red eared sliders as pets in Oregon?

According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the red-eared slider turtle is classified as a prohibited nonnative species. Red-eared sliders and snapping turtles are native east of the Rockies and have no place in Pacific Northwest ecosystems. Pet owners who thought they were doing a favor by setting them loose have introduced these turtles here.Additional useful information here :

What is the behavior of the red-eared slider?

Red Eared Sliders as pets are active, alert, and cannibalistic. They are cannibalistic because when they eat, they eat like they've haven't eaten in weeks!

I just got a red-eared slider turtle and have been caring for it dilligently but I am worried since I go to school in New York and want to bring him with me... is it illegal to have pet turtles there?

No, it is not illegal to own pet turtles in New York State, although most colleges have rules against keeping pets in your dorm.

Are Red eared slider turtles endangered?

Turtles and tortoises are inquisitive creatures, but they do not possess a great deal of what you would call "knowledge." Some turtles have better awareness of their surroundings (such as height or motion) than others, even within the same species. All turtles fail sentience tests, as they cannot distinguish between a reflection of themselves and another turtle. Red-eared sliders are no exception.

Can a red eared slider be owned by a child?

Yes, red-eared sliders make good pets for children, because they require less maintenance and responsibility than a cat or dog. But make sure the child knows not to kiss or lick the turtle, and to wash their hands before and after touching it. Turtles can carry diseases like salmonella, and they can also get sick from the germs humans carry.

Do red eared sliders like people?

Red eared slider turtles that have been raised in captivity or have been in captivity for a while LOVE people. They all have different personalities though. An example is my 1 1/4 inch long Red eared slider turtle, he has been in captivity for about 2 1/2 months now he has just recently started coming out of his shell, hehehe. He doesn't enjoy being held but he loves to chase my finger around when I put it up to the side of the tank and for me to just pay attention to him while he is in the water. And he loves to pose for pictures! Other turtles will crawl up onto your hand and bask there or will want you to scratch their shell. As you can see all turtles have different personalities, just like people, but most make great, compatible and loving, pets.

What eats red eared sliders?

aquatic plants, fruit and insects.,red ear sliders eat fish but you half to make sure the fish are small you don't want them to big i have turtles of my own'Red eared sliders eat plants and animals. Young red eared sliders eat more protein like waxworms, earthworms, fish, shrimp and if you have pets you can feed them turtle pellets sometimes. The older they get, the more they like plants and vegetables like collard greens and kale. My big red eared slider once ate a mouse!

Are turtles good house pets if you have a dog?

Yes they are, I have four red eared sliders and my pitbull sits and watches the tank as much as I do. It all depends on your enclosure and your dogs behavior.

Where to keep a baby red ear slider turtle at your home?

You should keep a baby red ear slider away from other pets like dogs and cats because they are small so keep them in a good tank with maybe other baby turtles