

Are red swordtails community fish

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: Are red swordtails community fish
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Are rosy red fish livebearers?

There are fish that are a "rosy red" colour that are livebearers. There are both Platties and Swordtails that can have such colouring. But if you are referring to a fish that is called a "Rosy Red Barb" then these are egg layers.

Can you keep gold and black swordtails in the same aquarium?

Yes. They are both freshwater tropical community fish and should get along well.

What should i do with the babies of my red wag swordtail fish?

If the tank's large enough, just leave them in there. Red wag swordtails are peaceful community fish. Otherwise, you have four choices: get another aquarium give them to your friends sell them to a pet store do what my buddy who breeds Bettas does with the imperfect ones, and give them to your Oscar. (Oscars are a necessary part of any fine fish breeding program.)

Can you keep neon tetras with swordtails while you are breeding them?

Baby fish are tiny and will usually be eaten if they are left with larger fish. Swordtails will eat their young and adult neon tetras will also eat baby swordtails. You won't be breeding neons.

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What fish are compatible with guppies other than mollies and platys?


What would be good tank mates for corydoras and danios and feeder goldfish and a sucker fish?

community fish like tetras, guppies, swordtails, barbs (not with guppies!), rasborasyou can find compatibility charts available online with a bit of research

what is the best fish to have with coreys?

Cory Catfish tank mates include most community tank fish as long as they are non-aggressive and friendly in nature. Otocinclus Catfish, Tetras, Swordtails and of course other Corys can be a good fit.

What type of fish give brith?

guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails, and limias

What are the top10 fish for aquarium?

Angelfish Discus Koi Neon tetra Guppies Paradise fish Swordtails Gouramis Barbs Betta fish

Are all fish are oviparous?

No. There are actually several kinds of fish who have live births, such as guppies, mollies, swordtails, and platies.

How does a sword tail fish breathe?

Through its gills.