

Are rods real animals

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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Their existence has not been scientifically proven. I have seen the photos though & no one else seems to be able to duplicate results.

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Q: Are rods real animals
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Which animals have more rods than cones in their eyes?

Nocturnal animals in general have many rods than cones in their eyes. Rods are used more for dim light and seeing motion.

Why are some animals colour-blind?

They have less cones in their eyes. Humans have cones and rods. The cones are for color and rods are for light. Cats have a ton of rods so that is why they can see in the dark well and humans can't. The more rods you have, the better you can see at night or in the dark. Animals have a lot more rods because that is more beneficial to them than seeing colors.

How many square rods are there in one rood?

Rounded to two decimal places, there are 40 square rods in one rood. However, this is not an exact number, as the real amount is around 39.999839 square rods.

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No, there are no real magical animals.

Can you put rods in your real hair without burning it?

Yes you can put it in your real hair. it just curing yur hair

How eyes work in mammals?

not sure. n eyes there are rods and cones. most animals have only rods, which pick up light and dark but not colour. humans(and possibly some other animals)have rodsand cones. the cones pick up colour.

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It has real living animals.

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Are wolverine real animals?

No, wolverines are not extinct, their current conservation status is Least Concern.

What do shepherds use their rods for?

Shepherds use their rods to keep the sheep together, also to pull branches of leaves for the sheep and , pull them by their horns to keep them in the fold and to defend them from wolves, hyenas and such animals.

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Seamonkeys are real living animals, they are very small animals classed as a fish. They do the 7 resorces, therefore they are real animals. Even though they are made from crystls they are still living animals

Is their real animals in ja biztown?

there are no real animals at J.A.Biztown just robotic animals the jump around and bark