

Are salmon renewable

Updated: 10/8/2023
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15y ago

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Wild salmon stocks are managed for sustainability. Each salmon is hatched in a creek upriver. The salmon smolt (baby salmon) stay upriver for a year until they are strong enough to swim downstream to the ocean. They live in the ocean for several years getting big and strong, then they swim back upriver to the exact place they were born to lay their eggs (spawn) or fertilize the females eggs. These eggs later hatch and the cycle repeats. This process or cycle continues indefinitely supported by strong management practices through Fish and Game to ensure that man (commercial fishermen, sport fishermen, subsistence harvesters) does not take more salmon than is needed to ensure a healthy run return. Farmed salmon are not sustainable. They are raised then eaten. End of story.

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9y ago

Yes, trout breed naturally in the wild and are farmed for food, so they are constantly being renewed.

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No, salmon can breed so it is technically a renewable resource.

Is salmon a renewable resource or a nonrenewable resource?

Salmon can be bred, therefore, they are renewable.

Is salmon a non renewable?

Salmon is renewable because salmon reproduce quickly, unlike oil, which takes millions of years to reform.

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they are animals that can reproduce

Is salmon a renewable resource?

Yes. Leave them alone and they'll make new salmon all by themselves.

Is salmon a renewable resourse?

Technically speaking, it would be a renewable resource, since salmon can lay eggs, or have fry. The only thing that would make them a non renewable resource would be if they were killed off to quick for them to reproduce.

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How are salmon renewable?

Yes because female salmons probably born babies.

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Is salmon population that is farm raised a renewable resource?

Absolutely !... Before releasing the adult fish back into the wild, the farm-bred salmon are 'milked' for their eggs and sperm - which creates the next generation of fish.

When are types of wild salmon available?

Sockey salmon King salmon Pink salmon Coho salmon Chinook salmon

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