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Q: Are saturated fats usually produced in plants?
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Are unsaturated fats usually solid at room temp whereas saturated fats are usually liquid?

No! the other way around. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temp whereas saturated fats are solid!

What are the fats that are usually animal products and are solid at room temperature?

Saturated fats.

Explain why fat from animal sources are usually regarded as relatively unhealthy compared to those from plants sources?

Meat fats are generally classified as "saturated" where as plant fats are "poly- or monounsaturated." The body utilized poly- and monounsatuated fats as an energy source more readily than saturated fats, which the body tends to store.

Which are formed from fatty acids with single carbon to carbon bonds?

saturated fats for plato A    

What are fats such as olive oil and sesame oil are produced in plants and are liquid at room temperature?

Monounstatured and polyunsaturated fats are produced by plants and are liquids at room temperature.

What fats such as olive oil and sesame oil are produced in plants and are liquid at room temperature?

Monounstatured and polyunsaturated fats are produced by plants and are liquids at room temperature.

What type of triglycerides are solid at room temperature?

Saturated fats and trans-fats are solid at room temperature. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats (oils) are liquid at room temperature. Trans-fats are liquid fats that are treated chemically and thermally to mimic saturated fats, usually in a process called hydrogenation. This process in a nutshell (it's a bit more complicated) injects hydrogen into the oils at high temperature and high pressure producing polymers (plastics) from the hydrocarbon molecules in the oils. Most vegetable shortenings are produced this way, shortenings (solid fats) that are not natural saturated fats are trans-fats.

What fats are found in animal products?

saturated fats .

Is carbohydrates saturated fats?

No, carbohydrates are entirely different from saturated fats.

Are unsaturated fats usually solid at room temperature whereas saturated fats are usually liquid?

4R3 u 5tup1d the answer is false......for Plato also :)

What is a charecteristic of unsaturated fats?

Saturated fats are lipids that take on a solid form at room temperature. Butter is the prime example for what characteristics a saturated fat has. Saturated fatty acids pack closely together in an orderly manner which produces a compact substance. Saturated fats are not oily in appearance or taste. And they are usually light in color. Saturated fats greatly resemble body fat in appearance and texture.

olive and canola oils are examples of saturated fats?

Yes, but it is good saturated fats (monounsaturated fats).