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scientific laws can be defined as, a thing that somebody tells to the world after some new experiments. Let me explain more !

Eg: Issac Newton felt that there is a connection between velocity & outer forces of a moving object .then he began to experiment that quality.Finally he found the reason & then he expressed his law to the world.


if somebody proves that there are some thing that behave against the Newton's law, The Newton's 2nd law become cancel.

So i need to tell something through this example ,

Science means current truth, not the absolute truth. So we cant say that scientific laws always been the truth. But we have to agree those until we meet the correct one.

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A scientific law is something that has been proved again and again under experimentation, and is always true. A scientific theory is an educated guess made based off of a group of data that is not proven to be true. For example, Newton's Laws are scientific laws since they have been proven to be always true. The theory of gravity is a scientific theory because gravity itself has not been completely proven to exist.

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Laws are consistent observations and always happen Theories are attempts to explain why certain laws are true.

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Laws are consistent observations and always happen Theories are attempts to explain why certain laws are true.

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Scientific laws. Scientific laws. Scientific laws. Scientific laws.

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Both scientific laws and scientific theorys can be changed if something new comes up in the scientific world.

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A scientific theory is a theory, no given proof of being a fact, a scientific law is what always happens, essentially a fact. Both is in chemistry and physics. The theory of gravitation happens before it became the Law of gravitation. Scientific theories and laws are similar except laws were proven to be recognize as a fact.

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Scientific laws describe things that happen the same way every time. Gravity, foe example is a scientific law because, no matter how many times you jump into the air, you will always come back down.

What is one way scientific theories and scientific laws are similar?

A theory that has been tested, verified and universally accepted as being true can be called a law.

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The terminology "scientific law" has been slowly going out of favor over time as it implies a degree of absolute certainty of knowledge that really does not exist in science. However it has often been used in the past to refer to specific very well verified components of a scientific theory (e.g. Newton's laws, gas laws, Ohm's law). Most modern theories (e.g. relativity, quantum mechanics) have never use the terminology "scientific law".

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Scientific observation is to write down what you see, if you are performing an experiment,or to end up to logical results according to the scientific laws. The scientific observation can not be neutral because it is performed by humans-who are not perfect and always personal opinion interfers.