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Hermit Crabs DietYes they are, they do eat small sea animals.

their actually omnivours which means they eat both plants and sea animals

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13y ago

Hermit crabs are omnivores, and actually require an extremely varied diet. Because their nutritional requirements are so diverse, a large variety is not only desired, but necessary.

A hermit crab will refuse to partake of a food it has eaten for 14 hours, up to two weeks. This is believed to be due to their need of many varied nutrients. It prevents them from feeding too much on one type of food that would not meet their nutritional needs.

They eat very small bits, so it can be hard to tell whether they have touched food you put in their crabitat. You should continue to change their food daily, always adding a variety and changing it up each day. They need protein, calcium, keratin, cellulose, and chitin, as well as nutrients found in fresh fruits and vegetables and other plant parts. They enjoy a beef, chicken, or pork bone that has been broken open so they can get at the marrow. Seaweed should be a strong part of their diet as well, and should still be offered daily.

For more information on the proper care and feeding of hermit crabs, visit or

Beware of advice from pet stores and many online sources, especially Expert Village on YouTube. Much of the information is skewed or far out dated.

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im pretty sure that not all crabs eat hermit crab food. unless that u mean that do all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food? then the answer to that is yes. all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food.

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Do hermit crabs use snail shells?

not pet hermit crabs... they are too weak and fragile to keep the hermit crab save although wild hermit crabs might use them the would be sea snails which have harder shells

What is the relationship between a hermit and a snail shell?

What I know of that is hermit crabs will eat snails. However, hermit crabs will often use an empty shell of a sea snail.

Are hermit crabs sea creatures?

hermit crabs are not true crabs, but are more closely related to shrimps. I read it in a book!Hermit crabs are more closely related to squat lobstersand porcelain crabs than they are to true crabs.Adding on to that, yes, Hermit crabs are very similar to true crabs. They are closely related, but not as closely as the aforementioned creatures.

What type of shells do hermit crabs live in when they are in the wild?

Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.

Do Hermit crabs live on land and sea?

and people if you get what i mean