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Q: Are seagulls capabale of chasing and playing with humans?
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Are seagulls harmful to humans or other animals?

no it is not dangerous

What eats zebra mussels?

The Zebra top Shells eat Algae. or well really anything that grows on rocks that's what the graze on.

What type of animals live along the coastline of Maine?

crabs, fish, seagulls, humans and etc.

Does anything besides humans eat crabs?

Birds, mainly seagulls and certain types of wrens.

Do seagulls regurgitate?

In a form. They do not urinate as humans do, instead, the "poop" contains both feces and urine.

What are the natural predators of whiting?

Humans, wolves, and mountain lions are predators of the white-tailed deer.

What are five animals in the omnivore group?

humans, black bear, achisaurus(this one is extinct) ,seagulls, raccoons, skunk.

What do husky dogs like?

Above all things, Huskies love to run (after all, it was what they have been bred for). Huskies enjoy cool environments, playing with humans and other dogs as well as chasing small animals.

Do seagulls remember humans that feed them?

Yes, they are not very intelligent but they do remember where they have gotten food if you feed them several times in a row.

What is the history behind a rat and a cat being enemies?

They both started living with humans. Rats were the most successful in doing so and cats were tolerated. Being lone predators, cats love chasing and playing hide-and-seek. So humans set the stage and nature played along.

What eat salmon?

Bears, wolves, eagles, seagulls ( when the salmon are young ), orcas, and other fish. Also humans eat alot of salmon

How should humans get energy?

humans should get energy by exercising being active and hanging out outside and playing with friends and not playing video games and watching television