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No the authorities try and block them but adult content still finds its way through.

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Q: Are sex websites allowed in Saudi Arabia?
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Related questions

Is same-sex marriage legal in Saudi Arabia?

No. In fact, homosexual activity is illegal in Saudi Arabia.

Where did get sex toys in Saudi Arabia?

Thank God we don't have any store for ur toys.

Does King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia support or oppose same-sex marriage?

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia so strongly opposes homosexuality that Saudis have been executed for engaging in same-sex relations. The question of same-sex marriage is not even close to being on the table.

Is there sex discrimination in employment in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, dear in Saudi Arabia female are not given job where they have to worked with men. Similarly in driving system of Saudi Arabia a woman can not have a driving license so unable drive is Saudi Arabia. Women can work only where interaction of women is with women like in photo studio. A male can not take a picture of female in studio for this purpose a lady photographer is appointed. These were two example for your question.

Which is the sexiest country in Asian continent?

How one country could be 'sexy'? Biggest Sex industry (both official and unofficial sex workers) can be found in Thailand in Asia

Is there sex discrimination in Saudi Arabia?

Yes. As with many Islamic countries women lives, whether by choice or otherwise, are legally restricted compared to their brothers/husbands.

How many gay men are in Saudi Arabia?

There are no "out" gay people living in Saudi Arabia, because they would be executed or sentenced to life in prison. But among the closeted population, it's estimated to be the same number as any other society: about 3% to 8% of people are gay. That works out to about 1.6 million Saudis who are gay.

Why are Muslims not allowed to walk alone in the street?

There is no such restriction on the Muslims. They may walk alone in the street. You are likely thinking of Saudi Arabia where there is a legal requirement that women be accompanied by men at all times. This is a very restrictive and fundamentalist form of Islam that is not practiced elsewhere and only in force because of the Saudi government's endorsement of religious extremism. The rationale behind the rule is that men may not be able to restrain themselves from having sex with an unguarded woman and therefore, she should always be protected. Outside of Saudi Arabia, most Muslims agree with Westerners to the extent that a woman merely walking alone does not invite her own rape.

Can a citizen of Saudi Arabia four weeks pregnant have the day after pill shipped to her?

If you are pregnant the morning after pill will not work. It only works for up to 5 days after sex to prevent pregnancy. If you are looking for the abortion pill you can go to the site of womenonweb.

What are orthodox Jews allowed to do?

They're allowed to have sex.

What are some over 18 websites?

Well there are always the casual sex websites. Or websites based on sex movies or over 18 movies. Why do want to know?

Why there are so many sex websites?

because humans like sex.