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working with animals, helping them too, getting a salary that could range up to 80,000 a year,

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Q: Are social security survivor benefits always less than the benefits a person would have received had their spouse survived?
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What are survivor benefits?

Survivor benefits are payments provided by Social Security to a spouse, ex-spouse, or dependent children when a worker dies. These benefits help provide financial support to family members who relied on the deceased person's income. The amount of survivor benefits received is based on the earnings record of the deceased person.

Do you claim children's social security benefits?

Survivor benefits are paid to children of a deceased worker.

Are social security earnings taxable in California?

No, California is not one of the fourteen states that levy taxes against Social Security benefits.

Survivor social security benefits At what age can a widow with no dependents receive social security benefuts?

At age 60, or at age 50 if Social Security also finds them disabled. They are reduced benefits if taken early.

Can a working woman who receives social security survivor's insurance also collect her own social security benefits upon retirement?

Yes she can.

Is there a way to prevent a stepdaughter from receiving survivor benefits from your dad's Social Security?

No. The Social Security Agency determines who is eligible benefits of any type and likewise the SSA decides when a person becomes ineligible.

What are social security survivor benefits?

Social Security benefits are usually paid out at a set age. You may also receive social security for a spouse if they pass away or for a child if their parent passes away before they are 18 years old.

Can a social security recipient outlive his social security benefits?

Generally yes, assuming you were legally married and didn't do them in. The surviving spouse can collect when they reach 62. If a surviving spouse is caring for a child who is receiving survivor benefits the spouse can also collect a benefit while the child is receiving benefits, and then it stops until the spouse is eligible for the retirement benefit.

If you die is child support paid besides social security benefits?

If you die you cannot possibly pay child support. The custodial parent needs to apply for Survivor's Benefits through the Social Security Administration.

What survivor benefits does social security provide to minors?

You can find some of this information available by going to the SSA gov website SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ONLINE and at the top choose SURVIVORS or you can use the search box. If you are the unmarried child under 18 (up to age 19 if attending elementary or secondary school full time) of a worker who dies, you also can be eligible to receive Social Security survivor benefits.

When getting social security disability does vacation or holiday pay count as income?

Yes, vacation pay counts as income when receiving survivor benefits. It shouldn't change the social security benefits you are receiving, however.