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The technical term is hypermobility, and yes, it exists.

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Q: Are some people really double jointed?
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in some places

Can people with double jointed knees have more trouble doing splits?

The concept of being "double jointed" is a myth as all humans (unless there is some form of birth defect) have the same number of joints. The term "double jointed" really means that the person has a wider range of motion than the average person, which is known as hypermobility. So a person who is more flexible would most likely have an easier time doing splits.

Do genetics affect flexibility?

Some people are just born with joint that can stretch farther than normal. People with this ability are called hypermobile or "double-jointed".

What does being double jointed mean?

Being double jointed means that you can bend your joints more than the average person. There are many misunderstandings when it comes to the meaning of being double jointed. In one case, the term itself implies that double jointed people have twice the number of joints than normal human beings. Some even assume that double joints allow for twice the usual amount of motion. However, these meanings are myths. All human beings have the same number of bones and joints, all of which have similar capacities for movement.

Is it possible to be double jointed?

yes. i am double jointed in my knees. the most common place to be double jointed is your fingers Double jointed is a condition where one's joints are capable of moving in a wider range of motion than people who are not double jointed. The medical term is hypermobility. The adjective is hypermobile. How much one is hypermobile is determined by measurements of the Beignton Scale. Named for a physician who took the time measure such things. Two examples are how well one can touch their thumb to their arm just below their wrist. Second one is from a standing position placing one's hands palms flat on the floor, without bending knees. The cause depends on what is causing the condition. Some genetic causes include Marfan syndrome, Morquio syndrome ( a type of dwarfism) and Ehler Danlos hypermobility type.

Is it normal to shake your eye balls?

I am assuming that by "shake" you mean the rapid movement of the eyes. I am able to do this and i know 3 other people are as well. I think it's like being double jointed; some people can and some people cant

What does a double jointed wrist look like?

Hmm... Well, it's slightly indistinguishable from a normal wrist at a fast glance, or even stare. You can do one out of two things to figure out if your wrist is double jointed. Method 1: The rest of your body. Most likely if your wrist is double jointed, some other body parts are too, such as the fingers and arm. Try bending your fingers far back, but if they start to hurt stop immediately! Also, you can try to touch your thumb to the same wrist. Method 2: There are things you can do to determine if you are double jointed in the wrist. If your wrist starts to hurt badly while doing any of these tricks, stop quickly and rest it. Or, set your arm down, with your elbow on a table. Now, turn your palm to touch the table, leaving your elbow against the table also. My sources? Why, I'm double jointed in approximately 37 joints. 1. Take your wrist and bend it back. Yep. Backwards. If it goes farther then you think it should without pain, congrats. You have joined the millions of amazing, awesome double jointed people.

How is double jointed real?

It's not real. No matter what you call it. It's not real. I'm a doctor and I say that some people have more flexibility than others. My mother does X-rays and never in her life has she seen a doubled joint

How can you lick your own boobs?

Some people can some people can't. Some are flexible enough to reach, some dislocate their shoulder or are double jointed. I can lick my elbow though I don't think I am double jointed I can just reach it... Good party trick. Bad idea in lifts/elevators though, it freaks people out.

Some arthropods have no jointed appendages?


What are some characteristics of arthropods?

they are invertebrates with jointed legs.........

What is a suitable bit for a strong horse for equitation is you have to have some kind of snaffle?

d-ring snaffle should be fine for a horse like that and it gives u more control on your horse and thaey sell them in tack shops so they're not hard to find! I always recommend going back to basics to soften a strong horse, but using a slow twist snaffle really helps. Only if you have light hands, as slow twists and twisted snaffles can really hurt as they are usually smaller in diameter then regular jointed or double jointed snaffles.