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No, sperm are produced in the testes.

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Q: Are sperm produced in the archegonium?
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What do the sperm produced by mosses require to reach an archegonium?

It swims to the egg and fertilize it.

Is sperm produced in the archegonium?

The archegonium is derived from spores which come from an Mature Sporophytes (2N). So the archegonium is N (Haploid) thus the formation of eggs and spermatozoide are a proces of mitosis which happen in haploid cells.

What are the female gametes produced in non-vascular plants?

These two other answers are straight cap. The correct answer is Antheridium for A+ people.

Where are the females gametes produced in nonvascular plants?

antheridium (:

What does an archegonium produce?

the archegonium structure produces haploid egg cells (the female reproductive structure-think "egg" like archEGonium) wheras the antheridium produces haploid sperm cells (the male reproductive structure)

What produces eggs in non vascular plants?

the eggs are produced in the raithum of the plant

What cell did the sporophyte develop?

On the gametophyte, cells in the archegonium and antheridium form the eggs and sperm. The sperm swim to the egg and fertilize it, forming the zygote. The embryo develops into the sporophyte, still attached to the gametophyte.

From what cell did the sporophyte develop?

On the gametophyte, cells in the archegonium and antheridium form the eggs and sperm. The sperm swim to the egg and fertilize it, forming the zygote. The embryo develops into the sporophyte, still attached to the gametophyte.

Sperm are produced by the?

Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules.

In seed plants the sperm make it to the egg via?

By swimming in watery fluid through the neck of archegonium the sperm reaches to the egg in seedless plants.

Where are sperm of the human male produced?

Sperm is produced in the scrotum sac of the male.

Where are sperm cells produced in mammals?

Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules inside the testicles.