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Both suicide and self-harming are ways that people deal with anxiety and depression. They are not healthy ways of dealing. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Speaking as someone who has been at the point of trying it, I can assure you that you will look back and wonder why you were so upset, if only you hang on and don't kill yourself. The best way to deal with this sort of severe depression and hopelessness is to get professional help. Therapy can work wonders with depression and anxiety. You might also need antidepressant medication - it is not habit-forming and most of the newer medicines have fewer side effects. Self-harming seems to be a way to control anxiety. It makes you feel as if you are dealing with the problem. The truth is, you are just switching one anxiety for another. You quickly become addicted to harming yourself, and if you get into a situation where you cannot do it, you get hysterical. Self-harming does not work. Self-harming is related to eating disorders like anorexia and bulemia. It is an unhealthy response. Therapy will help you to change those unhealthy responses and learn healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety.

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Q: Are suicide and self-harming OK
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Ok, send me an email at asking for it, I have it saved as a picture on my computer and I will send it to you as an attatchment.

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Does it look like I know

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