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Q: Are taller people more likely to have knee problems?
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What are some of the most common knee problems that people have suffered from over the last decade?

Common knee problems are typically arthritis, chondromalacia, and torn meniscuses. These injuries are more likely in the elderly, but active young people can experience these problems at an early age as well.

What are some precautions related to kneecap removal?

People who have had their kneecap removed for degenerative arthritis and then later have to have a total knee replacement are more likely to have problems with the stability of their artificial knee than those who only have total knee replacement.

What are the injuries in sport?

sprained angle, knee, pulled hamstring, bleeding Most likely is that soccer players will get knee problems... i have a knee problem from soccer since i was nine.

What is likely to be the cause of a knee problem caused by sprinting and how can it be treated?

Knee problems can be treated through exercise or plain rest until the knee gets better. I found a couple of sites you can read up on knee problems or this site that site is the one I looked at and easy to understand.

Why do I have knee pain at 15?

Most teenagers have knee pains because its growth spuur, you are growing and maybe becoming taller

Best equipment for helping people with knee problems?

The type of knee problems or injury will ultimately determine the best equipment to help. It is very common to use a knee support brace (of which there are several kinds), however, for any knee injury that requires more than rest for recovery, the best thing to do is see a doctor, who can choose the best equipment for you.

Did Barry Sanders have knee problems?


When you bang your knee which bone are you most likely to hit?

your knee cap

If a horse dislocates its knee will that knee give it more problems in the future?

yes it possibly can

Is there a correlation between dieting for weight loss and knee pain?

It really depends on how much weight you have put on. But people who are very overweight (more then 70 lbs). Seem to always have problems with their knee's. But like all medical problems you will need to see a doctor.

Can quadriceps cause knee problems?

If these muscles are weak or injured, there can be more risk of knee injuries.

What is the point of a fitness bike?

A fitness bike can help people with their knees if you have knee problems. Also people like to use a fitness bike to burn calories.