

Are tangerlers reptials

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Are tangerlers reptials
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Fish anphibians mammals birds and reptials?

They are all animas you stupid

Where can you find reptials?

you can find reptiles in jungles, rain forests and more, but it depends on the kind of reptile.

Are all dinosaur reptials?

Dinosaur, meaning 'terrible lizard' specifies that yes. Dinosaurs were only reptiles, as lizards too are reptiles.

What is the oldest reptile?

hylonomus the oldest living reptials are tuatarases from New Zeland they were around before the dinosaurswere alive and an individual can live to around 200 years

Are reptials warm blooded?

No, reptiles are not warm blooded. Apart from one or two exceptions, all reptiles are cold blooded.

How do reptials and mammals regulate their body temperature?

Mammals are warm blooded. This means they raise their body temperatures using the energy they get from food. They cool off in a variety of ways, including sweating, panting, etc. Reptiles, on the other hand, are cold blooded, so they rely on basking in sunlight to warm themselves, and cooling off simply requires finding some shade.

What animals lived in pangaea?

there were several groups of creatures on Pangaea. but for going the insects there where 4 major groups amphibians, anapsids diapsids and therapsids. the amphibians where remnants from the coniforus still large but not dominante on land anymore. anapsids accounted for a good chunk of life on land at this time. therapsids or so called mamal like reptials (eventualy evolved into mamals) where very common but the ones you know about are the diapsids. thees included crocidiles lizards and dinosaurs.

What animals lived during the time of dinosaurs?

Most types of animals (though not the actual species) we see today lived during the time of the dinosaurs (about 230 - 65 million years ago). Dinosaurs were the prominent land animals. Mammals have been on earth about as long as dinosaurs, since the mid- to late Triassic. Birds, descendants of dinosaurs, have been around since the late Jurassic. Other familiar reptiles, such as lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles were also present during the time of the dinosaurs (snakes being the latest to show up in the fossil record, during the late Jurassic - early Cretaceous). And, of course, there were plentiful arthropods (insects, spiders, millipedes, etc.), fish, shellfish, corals, etc. Other creatures no longer on earth that were living during the time of the dinosaurs include many different forms of marine reptiles, such as plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, and ichthyosaurs, and the flying reptiles, pterosaurs. All of these types of animals died out when dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous.