

Are templar's real

Updated: 9/28/2022
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10y ago

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Catholic AnswerThe Knights Templars were very real, and mostly all executed in the fourteen century, and disbanded by the Church. Modern "templars" are a branch of Freemasons which ape some of the clothing and rituals of the Templars but have no real connection with them. The Templars themselves (those still alive in the fourteenth century) were absorbed into other orders in the Church. The freemasons not only have no connection with them but have been condemned by nearly every Pope for the past two hundred years.
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Linnie Rosenbaum

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Were templars real?

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Well technically yes they do, the ancestors of former Templars are still in an organization however, the knights on horseback with the armor and swords don't exist anymore. they are more ceremonial now, they still have swords, but they don't have any power or authority like in the past

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