

Knights Templar

The history of the Knights Templar incorporates about two centuries during the Middle Ages, from the Order's founding in the early 1100s, to when it was disbanded in the early 1300s, and the near mythological status it has reached today.

245 Questions

How do you become a knights templar?

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The Knights Templar was a medieval Christian military order that no longer exists today. To become a member, individuals in medieval times would have to meet specific criteria and undergo a rigorous selection process. There are modern organizations that claim to be related to the original Knights Templar, but they tend to be more ceremonial and historical in nature rather than a continuation of the original order.

What 3 vows did the knights templar take?

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The three vows taken by the Knights Templar were poverty, chastity, and obedience. They dedicated themselves to a life of service, renouncing personal wealth, relationships, and worldly desires in order to serve God and protect pilgrims in the Holy Land.

What does in hoc signo vinces to knights templar?

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"In hoc signo vinces" is Latin for "In this sign you will conquer." It was a motto used by the Knights Templar, symbolizing their belief in the power of the Christian faith to achieve victory. The phrase is associated with a vision allegedly seen by Roman Emperor Constantine before the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD.

What is a way that knights protected themselves?

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Knights protected themselves in battle by wearing armor made of metal plates or chainmail, along with a helmet to shield their head. They also used shields to deflect incoming blows and carried weapons such as swords, lances, and maces for defense and offense. Additionally, knights relied on their skill in combat and training in various fighting techniques to stay safe on the battlefield.

In white knight chronicles do the avatars get a knight?

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Yes, in White Knight Chronicles, avatars do have the ability to transform into knights known as "Incorruptus," granting powerful abilities and skills in battle. Each player-created avatar can customize their knight form to suit their playstyle and strategy.

Where the knights templar bad people?

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The Knights Templar were a medieval Catholic military order that played a prominent role in the Crusades. While they were known for their military prowess and wealth, they were eventually accused of various crimes by King Philip IV of France, leading to their suppression. The order's reputation has been the subject of debate among historians, with some viewing them as noble warriors while others see them as corrupt and secretive.

What is better the assassin or the templars?

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It ultimately depends on personal perspective and values. The Assassins seek to preserve free will and individual freedom by fighting against tyranny and oppression, while the Templars believe in using control and order to create peace. Both sides have their own justifications and methods, making it difficult to definitively determine which is "better."

When did the Knight Templar's start?

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The Knights Templar were founded in the early 12th century, around 1119. They were established to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem during the time of the Crusades.

Why did the knights templar start?

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The Knights Templar were founded in the early 12th century to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem during the Crusades. They also evolved to become a powerful military order supporting the Christian kingdoms in the Holy Land.

The Knight Templar amassed a vast treasure?

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The Knight Templar amassed a vast treasure through donations, land holdings, and successful financial dealings. However, much of their wealth was seized by the French King and the Church, leading to the eventual downfall of the order during the 14th century. There are many theories and legends about the fate of their remaining treasure, with some suggesting it was hidden or lost.

How did the Knights Templar end?

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The Knights Templar were disbanded in the early 14th century by Pope Clement V under pressure from King Philip IV of France. Many Templars were arrested and executed, their assets were seized, and the order was officially dissolved. The Templar leaders were accused of heresy, corruption, and other charges, leading to the downfall of the order.

Why are religious orders important?

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Religious orders play a significant role in religious practice and spirituality by providing a structured way for individuals to live out their faith through community life, prayer, and service. They often focus on specific charisms or missions, such as education, healthcare, or social justice, and can have a profound impact on society by addressing societal needs and promoting spiritual growth among their members. Additionally, religious orders have a long history of preserving religious traditions and fostering a deeper connection to the divine through their distinct way of life.

When did knights come to England?

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Knights arrived in England after the Norman Conquest in 1066, when William the Conqueror established feudalism and introduced the concept of knighthood to the country. The feudal system brought a structured hierarchy of knights, who were armored cavalry soldiers serving under the nobility.

What is the templar banking system?

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The Templar banking system was a medieval financial network established by the Knights Templar, a Catholic military order. They provided banking services such as loans, deposits, and money transfers across Europe and the Holy Land. The Templars' reputation for reliability and security helped them amass significant wealth and influence.

What holy artifacts did the Knights Templar posses and protect?

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The Knights Templar were believed to possess and protect several holy artifacts, including the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Shroud of Turin. These artifacts were said to hold immense religious significance and power.

What role did new religious orders such as the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights play in Christianity?

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New religious orders like the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights were significant in Christian history as they combined military strength with religious devotion. They played key roles in the Crusades, undertaking military operations in the name of protecting Christian interests in the Holy Land and expanding Christianity into Eastern Europe. Additionally, they provided a sense of purpose and identity for devout Christians seeking a more active and structured expression of their faith.

What were the Knights templars main duties?

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The Knights Templar were responsible for protecting Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land during the medieval period. They also served as a military order, participating in battles during the Crusades. Additionally, they managed a vast financial network, including banking and lending services.

What does the Knights Templer have to do with the Masonic Lodge?

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There is a historical connection between the Knights Templar and the Masonic Lodge. The Masonic organization known as the Knights Templar is based on the medieval Knights Templar order and includes rituals and symbols associated with the original Templar knights. However, the modern Masonic Knights Templar organization is a fraternal order and does not have a direct historical lineage to the medieval Knights Templar.

Who were the Knight Templars?

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The Knight Templars were a medieval Christian military order founded in the 12th century during the Crusades. They were known for their role in protecting Christian pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem and for their military prowess. The order was dissolved in the early 14th century.

What Are Knight Templar Shields?

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Knight Templar shields were typically round or kite-shaped shields made of wood and covered with leather. They were often emblazoned with the iconic red cross symbol that represented the Knights Templar order. These shields were an important part of a knight's armor, providing protection in battle and displaying their allegiance to the order.

Where is the knights templar treasure?

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AnswerThis is a question that has long tormented treasure hunters and scholars. When the Catholic Church designed to destroy the Knights Templar, they secured the assistance of the French crown. This is the origin of the superstition of "Friday the 13th" because the Templars were rounded up on that day and the crown seized all of their holdings. However, the Templars had advanced word that their fortunes had changed and they gathered together all of their treasure and three Templar ships departed from La Rochelle.

It is thought that these ships carried the vast wealth of the Templars, but in truth, they could carry but a fraction of their treasure if the tales about their wealth are reasonably accurate. The ultimate destination is unknown and it is unknown if these ships even made it to their destination. However, it would be a reasonable assumption that these ships made landfall in England. At this point in the story, nobody can give an authoritative answer to the question of "where does the treasure reside?"

Speculation regarding Rosslyn and Oak Island point to the strongest possibilities regarding the final resting place of the Templar treasure. There was significant engineering done at Oak Island and the investigation there has destroyed as much as it has uncovered. Only time will tell if anything remains, but I doubt that anyone would go through such an elaborate hoax.

With regard to Rosslyn Chapel, the builders of the chapel were known supporters of the Templars -i am editing this note (the builders are probably the freemasons) - However, nobody has ever found anything at Rosslyn and many consider the chapel to be a "key" to where the real treasure is concealed. Personally, I believe that the treasure that left in those ships was used to support the members of the order in the purchase of land, supplies, and other needs. Considering the requirements for a number of dispossessed Knights on the run from France and the Church, gold would be a necessity.

I believe that the majority of the Templar fortune never left France. To be sure, it was concealed from the French monarchy, but the Templars did not have the time necessary to move it out of France. Ultimately, this is my answer to your question. As the treasure has remained undiscovered for some time, one could assume that it is well hidden.

MoreThis next information is answerd by a differant person,

But the free masions were involed they were a scottish cruside who let the templar knights join there group so maybe the treasure could of being smuggeled out of France to Scotland but this is my opinion on the place were it is hidden.

Or there is word that the treasure was brought from France into England and to a place called Nova Scotia not in the actuwal country but to an island of the coast of Nove Scotia nobody nows which island but i bet the treasure will be found one day. Its not just a small amount OS gold but treasure beyond your wildest imaganation! I dream of discovering the knights templer treasure but i now that there is many other people that have atemptad to find it and there is no way that i could ever beat anyone to the greatest treasure of all time!

MoreRefering to the first paragraph above where the answerer says there were 3 Templar ships, records show that there were in fact 18 Templar ships at La Rochelle harbour on October 12th 1307, but the next day they had vanished.

the answer bove me seems quite complex however i believe there to be a simpler answer to question, though no one can be certain.

okay so 4 knights from temple dinsley, hertfordshire were arrested and taken to hertford castle in the early 1300's. two were taken to tower of London and they were all killed at some point. this was done on the orders of kind edward ll because he believed that they were hiding treasure from him. so he had them arrested, but when they refused to tell him it's whereabouts he had them killed. so many believe that the answer is simple. the treasure which is believed to be gold, silver, jewels, and possibly even the holy grail which Jesus drunk out of at the last supper (they apparently found this on a trip to Jerusalem) is likely to have buried underneath an oak tree in temple dinsley, where the knights who hid it lived, so that they could keep watch that no one tried to find it. another theory is that they actually buried it in temple dinsley deep deep under the ground and then created a pond over the top of where it was, to make it more difficult to get to. temple dinsley today is a village called Preston in hertfordshire and there is a large pond there, however the pond that the treasure is supposedly hidden underneath has been dug over, but no one knows exactly where it was. the spot where the treasure may have been buried unfortuantely has an old building on it which is now a school.

The whole truth will almost certainly never come to light. Much of the Temple assets in France found their way into the Royal treasury. Phillip the Fair needed the money to pay off a crushing national debt. Chances are that much of it from outside France went to the Hospitallers along with their real estate and much of the membership. Some of those assets may simply have been stolen or individual members may have removed assets with the intent to restore them to the Temple at some future date.

Neither is there any documented or archeological evidence that the Templar Fleet previously in harbor at New Rochelle ever reached Scotland nor that it carried the so called, "Templar Treasure." No hard evidence of any kind exists that any ship of any description carrying even one Templar Knight or anyone connected with the Temple ever reached North America. In fact, the so-called Zeno map does not mention the Temple at all. Moreover, the map has been shown to be a forgery. No evidence of any description supports speculation that the Templars ever possessed any of the, "treasures of the Temple of Solomon."

Likewise, there is no documented connection between the Templars and the Oak Island Money Pit. In fact, much of the speculation about the pit has been put to rest. For example, the only evidence there is for the existence of those much discussed buried timbers, etc. is complete hearsay and the so called tunnels that introduced sea water to the pit are not tunnels at all. All that water seeped in through naturally occurring features. Oh yes, there is one other thing. There is absolutely no evidence that Henry I Sinclair Earl of Orkney ever visited Greenland or any part of North America.

Conversely, there is ample evidence that many of the authors who are building up their own portfolios with wild speculation concerning the Templar Treasure or the purported mystical properties of the Temple are earning a substantial living by selling books to people who want to believe these things whether they are true or not. They are simply following in the footsteps of the, "Eric von Daniken" books from the seventies and all that nonsense about Aztec crystal skulls having mystical properties. When you stop to think about it, those books are the perfect con game. There is no law against publishing nonsense or selling the books that contains that nonsense. Buying a book is a legal transaction in nearly every case. Believing silly nonsense is a personal prerogative unless one does real harm as result.

The bottom line is that all those stories about the Templars having owned the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and the True Cross are just that, stories. They may be amusing but they are not factual.

What is the religious order of Duquesne University?

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Duquesne University is a Catholic university affiliated with the Spiritan religious order, also known as the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. The Spiritans focus on missions, education, and community service.

How did doctors attempt to treat people ill with the plague?

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Doctors in the past attempted to treat people ill with the plague by using methods such as bloodletting, applying herbal remedies, and using foul-smelling substances to ward off the disease. These methods were based on the miasma theory of disease transmission.

What is a knights weapon?

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A knight's weapon could include a sword, lance, mace, axe, or dagger, depending on the type of combat or situation they were preparing for. Knights were typically skilled in using a variety of weapons both on horseback and on foot.

How do you join the Knights Templar?

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""The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon commonly known as the Knights Templar`s. The Knights Templar were the elite fighting force of their day.

F.M.O.K.T- Friends and Members of The Order of The Knight Templar´s

The Friends and members of the Knight Templars is a chivalric association of like-minded individuals who demonstrate seven core principles: Chivalry, honour, integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom & charity. We sopports The Knight Templar´s in a Moore visible way ! Actually, the templar's still exist but have become more modern. It really isn't about Crusades and shiny armor anymore. They still respect their heritage. But it is more about spirituality and religon now.

Link below.

As an addendum to the above answer-

I hate to quibble with you, but the evidence of Templars coming to America is bordering on mythos and "what-if". It's true that a rune stone with references to Temple Knights was found in Minnesota, but the experts remain fairly divided.

The "Templars" of today that are found in the Free and Accepted Masons are only found in the York Rite of the Order. If a man wishes to advance to this degree, he must be a Christian (Freemasons in general are only required to believe in a Supreme Being) and he shall have been passed through the Royal Arch degrees. Most lodges in the US are Scottish Rite, but a number of York Rite lodges exist. My suggestion to you would be to find a Mason that you know and that knows you and ask.

It is believed by some that they still exist, and are still fully operational.

As an addendum to the addendum:

The faith has never been lost and many are still around who believe in the old ways. Please do not attempt to push all of the Orders Descendants into one small box. It is tiresome to say the least. I suppose conservitively one only needs to follow the laws and ways to be considered a laymember, but to earn your spurs as it were you must adhere to the Knights Code as well as the laws and ways. Purity or the lack thereof is not a requirement even the wicked may swear the oaths, but repentance is a must for only the Lord is pure. Dozens of Orders still stand for the Oaths globally. aswell there are many "loners" amongst us. The Pope long ago apoligized for this sin of his against us. We still stand. God does not abandon. You are welcome.