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Each of the four inner rocky planets have a 'rocky' terrain, a well defined solid surface. The four outer planets, the gas giants, dont have a clear surface, they are made of gas which gets thicker and thicker further into the planet. So the answer is yes.

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Q: Are the 4 inner planets more rockey then the 4 outter?
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Which type of planets have more moons?

The gas giants have more moons than the inner rockey planets, since they are a lot more massive and are in a region of space where more moons can be captured.

How does the length of a year compare between inner and outter planets?

The outer planets take longer to go round because (i) they are further away and (ii) they move more slowly because the Sun's gravity is weaker out there.

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They are more similar to the inner planets, since they are rocky and icy in nature instead of gaseous.

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because of gravitational force of the earth is more in inner planet

How are the inner planets different then the outer planets how?

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What are inner planet shapes?

The inner planets have a spherical shape. In fact all planets are more or less spherical.

How do inner planets differ?

Inner planets differ from outer planets because they have rocky core (excepting Pluto), and the are much smaller than outer planets, which are bigger and take more time to orbit Sun than inner planets because of their location. Outer planets are farther from the Sun than inner planets.

Comparing inner and outer planets movement?

The inner planets travel faster around the Sun because they are closer, while the outer planets take more time. The outer planets spin faster on their axis than the inner planets.

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The inner plants. The size and distance of the outer planets means they have longer and more spaced out orbits

What are 3 differences between the outer and inner planets?

The inner planets are small, the outer planets are huge in comparison.The inner planets have rocky surfaces, the outer planets are gas giants.All of the outer planets have rings. None of the inner planets does.All of the outer planets have several moons, some of them quite large.