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Most of the Amish have some kind of Money. If you didn't have to pay taxes for roads and you didn't need to pay electric bills, water bills, and some other bills that other people have due to want.

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This depends on if you are referring to the entire group of people or individuals. The Amish have no main organization. The Amish are made up of a loosely organized group of 'Ordnungs' (orders or congregations). Some of these are more strict than others, but money given to the church stays within the congregation, there is no 'Amish headquarters' or head Amish leader. Since there is no central 'Amish Church', the 'Amish Church' doesn't have any money.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) is a highly organized church with a headquarters governing all funds, congregations, and membership. Money given to the Church goes to headquarters, where it is distributed worldwide according to need. While Mormon Church leaders are not paid, the Church has assets in real estate properties which help pay for Church programs not funded by donations. So the 'Mormon Church' is much richer than the 'Amish Church, since it doesn't exist.

Individually, the majority of Mormons are richer than the majority of Amish (at least in the U.S.) Some Mormons may be poorer than the majority of Amish. Mormons below the poverty line are assisted by the Church, but are otherwise left to their own devices for income and finances - so some Mormons are rich and some Mormons are poor. Of course, many Mormons in third world countries are poorer than the Amish.

The differences between the Mormons and the Amish must be noted. Amish have an extremely strict dress code, depending on their ordnung. They do not use most modern appliances, cars, etc. Most of them live collectively in farming communities and live mostly off the land. Mormons, although encouraged to dress modestly, wear regular clothes, jeans, store bought items, etc. They use modern technology and conveniences, do not live in closed or collective communities, and hold regular jobs. While there are about 230,000 Amish focused mostly in the U.S., there are over 13 million Mormons worldwide, about half of them in the U.S.

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