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Amish are called Amish because the founder of it was Jacob Ammann

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Q: Why are Amish people called Amish?
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"Rumspringa" is the word for Amish teenagers' period of experimentation and freedom from religious rules.

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Where is there a Utopian society?

there is one near NYC or NJ called the amish people

What are people called that live like its the 1800's?

Amish or Renaissance period.

Are there lots of Amish people in Shipshewana?

Yes, there are there of many Amish people.

Are there Amish people in NJ?

No. There are no Amish communities in NJ.

Do you have to be white to be Amish and why?

Not all Amish people have to be white. This is because some other people can be adopted or converted into the Amish way of life.

Can you a married couple in turn to as Amish people truly want this our name is Michael?

As a married couple if you meet and Amish person and want to become Amish you can. There is nothing in the Amish lifestyles that prevents people to converting to the Amish lifestyle.

Who is the amish god?

Amish people believe in Jesus Christ so the Amish god is Jesus, too.

Why do the Amish not read these questions?

Most Amish don't use technology. They see it as a distraction, and they have other religious views about it. Each Amish community has a sort of "rulebook" called an Ordnung that is different for each community- for example, one community might be allowed to have a telephone for the entire community, and for another it wouldn't be so. Also, a lot (NOT ALL) Amish people don't feel comfortable with associating themselves with non-Amish peoples and/or don't feel a need to explain themselves. Some people were Amish when they were younger, though, and have "converted" to a non-Amish lifestyle, so don't be surprised to see answers from once-Amish people.

Why do some people not like the Amish?

Because they do not understand why the Amish do what they do or they a bigoted.

What are the occupations of the amish?

Farming and blacksmithing are two occupations of the Amish people.