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There are four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and four outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). So there are an equal number of inner and outer planets.

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14y ago

Outer planets it is Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune

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13y ago

The outer planets are bigger.

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Q: Are the Jovian planets outer planets or inner?
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Is a Jovian planets is call Inner?

Inner planets are terrestrial planets outer are jovian planets

How do you divided the inner planets and the outer planets?

inner are terestrial and outter are jovian

What is the basic used for calling inner or outer planets?

The inner planets are called, "Terran" planets after the Latin name for Earth: 'Terra'. The outer planets are called, "Jovian" planets after the name Jupiter. Jupiter??? Yeah, the Greek God Jupiter was called, "Jove" in Latin, hence 'Jovian'.

Is Jupiter one of the inner or outer?

Jupiter is first outer gas giant planets from the Sun. Jupiter is an outer planet, or "Jovian" planet, or non-terrestrial planets.

Outer planets are called what?

Jovian planets.

Is Saturn a inner planet or a outer?

Saturn an outer planet because it is outside of the asteroid belt. If it is outside of the asteroid belt, then it is outside planet. Outer planets are also known as Jovian planets or "gas planets."

What are some similarities of the inner and outer planets?

Inner and outer planets have some things that are in common but there mostly way different. For instants they both orbit the sun. On the other hand the outer planets are made mostly by gas, that's why they are called the gas giants. The inner planets are mostly made by rock and dust. The inner planets are called Terrestrial planets and the outer planets are called Jovian planets. The inner planets are closer to the sun, have more density, they have less moons, there about the size of Earth, and they rotate slowly. The outer planets (Jovian Planets) are farther from the sun, they have less density, they have more moons, they are large, about the size of Jupiter, they rotate rapidly, and they have more mass. These planets are alike because they both orbit the sun.

What are large planets called gas or terrestrial?

large planets are called the outer planets or the JOVIAN PLANETS which are made up of gases and viscous liquids... terrestrial planets are the inner planets! inner planets- MERCURY VENUS EARTH MARS outer planets- JUPITER SATURN URANUS NEPTUNE

What are the jovian outer planets?

The Outer/Jovian planets are as follows: * Jupiter * Saturn * Uranus * Neptune Pluto is not included anymore.

What is the other name of the outer planets?

Jovian planets

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets. are inner & outer planets. are outer

What sort of surfaces do the inner planets have?

The inner, or terrestrial planets are more dense than the outer planets/gas giants/jovian planets. Through a process of differentiation we find inner planets to typically consist of a molten iron core and a less dense silicate crust.