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Yes, the Stations of the Cross are sacramentals. As Wikipedia says:

"Sacramentals are material objects, things or actions (sacramentalia) set apart or blessed by the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Churches, the Anglican Churches, and Old Catholic Churches to manifest the respect due to the Sacraments, and so to excite good thoughts and to increase devotion, and through these movements of the heart to remit venial sin, according to the Council of Trent."

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Q: Are the Stations of the Cross sacramentals?
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Why are sacramentals important?

The sacraments are important to christians as they remind us of the body and blood of christ that was shed for us on the cross.

What are the Stations of the Cross also referred as?

The Way of the Cross.

What are stations of the cross made of?

The Stations of the Cross are usually a series of pictures or statues. They can use any artisitic medium.

Why do Catholics use sacramentals?

Catholics use sacramentals to become closer to God, Sacramentals are also used to help us feel safe Hope i helped you!

What period of time do the Stations of the Cross take place in?

The Stations of the Cross are primarily prayed on Fridays during Lent.

What are different sacramentals?

the anointing in baptism, the prayers used in last anointing , the nuptial blessing given in marriage, the sign of the cross, holy water, the rosary, the way of the cross and benediction of the blessed Sacrament.

How is Lent linked to the Stations of the Cross?

The Stations of the Cross depict Our Blessed Lord carrying the cross up to His death and burial. Lent is the preparation for Christ to carry His cross, die on it, and be buried.

What is living stations of the cross?

Usually a "living Stations of the Cross" mean that you have live people posed acting out or portraying each Station.

Why does the protestant church have 15 stations of the cross?

I don't think that many (if any) Protestant churches have the stations of the cross - I know Presbyterians and Baptists do not.

Can you name a Lenten Devotion?

Stations of the Cross

What is the second station in the stations of the cross?

The second station is Jesus accepts the cross (Jesus carries the cross).

What stations of the cross are celebrated in the episcopal church?