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Q: Are the bacteria in the intestines of cattle aerobic or anaerobic?
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How do bacteria in you intestines help you?

Some bacteria, including E. coli, help people and animals to digest food and help in providing vitamins . Ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, contain large numbers of bacteria in the rumen to help in digestion of grass by the degrading celluose into nutrients that can be absorbed. Ruminants rely on the bacteria, since they lack these essential digestive enzymes themselves. I hope this helps!

What is the morphology of clostridium chauvoei?

Clostridium chauvoei is an anaerobic and sporulated bacterium which produces blackleg in cattle, sheep and other ungulates.

Which greenhouse gases are released from trash in landfills the animals we raise for food and burning coal?

Landfills release carbon dioxide from aerobic rotting organic matter, and methane if the rotting is anaerobic (without oxygen).Animals we raise for food (mostly cattle) release methane, mostly by burping, but a little by farting.Burning coal releases carbon dioxide.

What is chittlings?

Pig large intestine which are located rigt below the small intestine. they are a really unhealthy heart attack food . to warn you before you buy the disgusting food they do have a horrible ............................ odor !

Is coccidiosis contagious?

No, it does not pass from animal to animal. It is a protozoa parasite that lives in the intestines of all healthy cattle, and only causes damage when animals are very stressed or have overwhelming numbers of protozoa. There are 15 kinds of coccidia that live in cattle, but there are only 2 that are pathogenic.

Does cow manure in the lagoons of cattle feed lots keep bacteria out of the water supply?

No, cow manure is chuck full of bacteria, a source of bacteria, not a preventative measure to keep bacteria out! So no, cow manure in the lagoons of feedlots do NOT keep bacteria out of the water supply. It's the exact opposite, inviting bacteria to enter the water supply, not prevent it.

What is vibrosis of cattle?

It is a bacteria that causes females to consistently abort when bred and bulls to be unable to breed. Can vaccinate prior to breeding.

Koch observed Bacillus anthracis multiplying in the blood of cattle What is this condition called?

bacteremia. bacteria in the blood is called bacteremia

How long would it take for a cattle carcass to resurface if it drowned?

Humans will normally resurface approximately 2-3 days after drowning. This is because of the gas forming bacteria in their bowels. I would assume cattle would be about the same.

Are cat guts used for stitches?

No, catgut sutures (as well as instrument strings) are made from fibers in sheep, cattle or goat intestines. They have never been made from cats. Most sutures today are cotton or synthetic.

What specific terms are used to describe the oxygen requires of bacteria?

AA = strict anaerobes: Clostridium, Sarcina, and many genera fromthe rumen of cattle, intestines and similar sites. Strict anaerobes grow only were oxygen is absent. Some are more sensitive to oxygen than others. Some species, especially those from the rumen and intestines, die rapidly when exposed to oxygen. Most Clostridium are not killed by such brief exposure but can't grow in oxygen. Some species of Clostridium can grow slowly in the presence of air. No species of Clostridium is able to produce spores when free (uncombined) oxygen is present.FA = facultative anaerobes: Escherichia, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, and Proteus grow best in oxygen but can grow in the absence of oxygen by stealing oxygen from foods such as nitrate, sugars, and other "honorary oxygens". The result of this is production of nitrite, organic acids (lactic acid, formic acid, etc.), and other substances which are often foul-smelling. Tubes containing facultative anaerobes contain growth throughout when the bacteria are evenly distributed, but there is usually a heavier growth on the surface of the agar because they grow best in air.MA = microaerephilic: Azospirillum, Aquaspirillum, Cytophagarequire oxygen but grow best just below the surface of the agar where oxygen is reduced. This type of bacteria is relatively uncommon in laboratories because some won't grow on GST and other common media. It is difficult to find a species which will grow in a well defined band a millimeter or so below the surface to produce a mice band below the surfarce as seen here. Often the band is so near the surface that you can confuse these for aerobic species, however, they do not grow profusely on the surface of the agar like aerobic species.A = strict aerobes: Acetobacter, Arthobacter,Azomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Xanthomonasgrow only on the surface of the agar where they get plenty of oxygen. Most produce a heavy growth above the agar which may be a liquid. Some bacteria produce slimes or capsules and these produce exceptional profuse growth above the agar and may burrow into the agar slightly. The liguid containing cells may run down between the walls of the tube and the agar plug, but you should not confuse this with growth.I = indifferent: Lactobaccilus, some Streptococcus, and most other milk organisms grow equally well on the surface and within the agar because they are indifferent to the oxygen level. Notice that the bacteria grow uniformly on the surface and to the bottom of tube provided the cells are distributed uniformly. The growth is similar to that of facultative anaerobes except FAs have a heavy growth of bacteria at the surface. At the surface indifferent bacteria may have barely noticeable growth of cells. We know they can grow on the surface because they do so when spread on a pertri plate. Actually, many of these bacteria require vitamines, amino acids, and other growth factors and the colonies may be tiny even on the media most suitable for them.

Can you give a cat draxxin?

Draxxin is a medication designed to be used on cattle for disease related to bacteria. This is not a medication to be given to a cat unless a vet has advised to do so.