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Yes they are sadly :'(((

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Q: Are the blankets made out of reindeer fur in the ice hotel?
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Related questions

What did the Osage sleep in?

the Osage sleep in blankets made of fur

What color does reindeer fur turn?

Reindeer's brown fur turns white and gray when they migrate in fall.

What can you use cheetah's fur for?


What is a rabbits fur used for?

Rabbit fur can be used to make blankets or warm clothing!

How do puppies stay warm?

by there fur or the sun there beds or blankets

What animals did the Iroquois use to make blankets?

The ones with fur

How does reindeer survive where it lives?

reindeer's thick fur keeps them warm in the snow. for food, it is a battle and thats why reindeers are threatened

What is grizzly bear fur used for?

coats,shoes,blankets whatever they can make it into

What are mukluks?

A soft boot traditionally made of reindeer or seal skin and worn by natives of the Arctic.

What kinds of things did the southwest Indians use from nature?

blankets,coats from fur,food

What clothing did the Tlingit wear?

Tlingits wore clothing made of natural materials available in the area. Frequently clothing would be made of animal hide, wool, fur, or other materials found in the area. Tlingits are well known for their "button blankets" and for "Chilkat blankets" that are worn as a part of tradition, and also for warmth. This link shows Chilkat Robes/Blankets: This link shows Button Blankets:

Are animals a resource?

Well animals like tiger cheta and jaguar their fur are used for blankets