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I don't think so tribe in Africa can have alot of kids

Definitely not. There have been Arabian Royals and Sheiks who have fathered over 100 children by having multiple wives and concubines (mistresses).

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Q: Are the duggars the biggest family in the world?
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Don't the duggars have an older daughter and grandchild that they don't see?

No. You are confusing the Duggars with a different family that was featured on TLC.

What is the biggest family name in the world?

Changhai Family

Do the duggars get food stamps?

No. The Duggars do not get any government assistance to support their family. They give generously of their time and resources to help others.

How much money do the duggars make an episode?

It is estimated the Duggars make $25,000 - $40,000 per episode. Prior to their reality television careers the Duggars supported their family with commercial real estate.

Who agrees with me that the duggars are a great family?

I couldn't agree more!

How many people are there in the world's biggest family?

The world's biggest family is believed to be the Ziona family in India, headed by Ziona Chana. The family reportedly consists of around 180 members, including wives, children, and grandchildren.

What is the biggest name in the world?

Changhai Family

Is Jill duggar leaving the family religion?

No, she is just as happy with her religion as the rest of the Duggars(:

Why do you watch the Duggars?

It's mostly out of curiosity. With a family THAT large, you can only learn how they cope.

How did Josh Duggar Meet his wife if she was from Florida?

The Duggars go to lots of home-schooling and religion-based family conferences and events. It was through these events that the Duggars got to know the Kellars.

Are there any family integrated churches like the one the Duggars attend in Austin Texas?

The Duggars don't go to church. They have their own church services at home. The above answer is not true. The Duggars are using a rental house for church services with a small group of other families and friends.

Which town does the Bates family live in Tennessee?

They live in Tennessee, a few hours away from the Duggars.