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Q: Are the eustachian canals of both the ears connect each other?
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What keeps pressure equal on both sides of the eardrums?

eustachian tube

What is located between the middle ear and the throat and serves to equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum?

The Eustachian tube

What is the structure that allows equalization of the pressure in the middle ear with that outside the body?

The Eustachian tube, nowadays known as the pharyngotympanic tube. THis structure connect the middle ear to the oropharnx allowing the air from outside into the inner ear, equalizing pressure and so reducung stress on the tympanic membrane. The tube is only open when the person is swallowing and this is why chewing gums on descending and ascending planes helps ears to "pop"

What keeps pressure on both sides of the eardrum?

eustachian tube

What organ system are eustachian tubes in?

Eustachian tubes are part of our auditory system their function is to equalize pressure on both sides of our ear drum so that it can vibrate freely.

What maintains equal pressure on both sides of the ear drum?

Eustachian tubes

Does an ear infection spread to the other ear?

One of the main causes for ear infections is clogging the eustachian tube with mucous by blowing the nose too vigorously or by blocking a sneeze. If you have one infected ear, you will probably get it in both if you continue forcing mucous back up the eustachian tube of the other ear.

What did the Suez Canal and Panama Canal have in common?

Both are canals and both have made shipping much cheaper.

How are rivers and canals alike?

both contain water

How are the Panama Canal and the Erie Canal alike?

they are both canals :)

Are the canals in Venice fresh water of salt water?


Do you need to connect with other people to use mystery gift?

yes you need bc they both need the gift then connect and you will receive ethier a shaymin or other rare Pokemon