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A species found in many parts of the world, golden eagles are not an endangered species.

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Q: Are the golden eagles in the endangered list?
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Golden Eagles are considered endangered for a number of reasons. The number of Golden Eagles in the world are dwindling.

What are some threats to golden eagles?

Hunters will sometimes kill them for sport, but the golden eagle is not an endangered species.

Why is the Golden Eagle on the endangered species list?

Golden Eagles are considered endangered for a number of reasons. The number of Golden Eagles in the world are dwindling.

When was the golden eagle first put on the endangered list?


When was Asian golden cat nominated to the endangered list?

December 2008

Are eagles endangered?

yessome spices of eagles are endangered like the bald eagle and harpy. everybody will now that golden eagles are endangered but they live here in Britain. a golden eagle has between 1 and 3 chicks a year and has a wing span of up to two metres2 metres. Neither the golden eagle or bald eagle are endangered species.some spices of eagles are endangered like the bald eagle and harpy. everybody will now that golden eagles are endangered but they live here in Britain. a golden eagle has between 1 and 3 chicks a year and has a wing span of up to two metres2 metres.Neither the golden eagle or bald eagle are endangered species.noYes they are very endangered you can get arrested and a fine over 50,000 dollars.It depends on what species of eagle you mean. Both the bald eagle and golden eagle are not endangered species. The monkey eating eagle is, however.There are very many kinds of eagles in the world. There are three types of eagles that are on the endangered list. They are 1) The Spanish Eagle. 2) The Madagascar Serpent Eagle. 3) The Javan Hawk Eagle.

What made golden eagles endangered?

The birds numbers may have dropped for several reasons,including pollution,shooting,and accidental trapping.

Is the golden poison dart frog doing any better on the endangered list?

yes they are

Is eagles endangered?

some kind are endangered

Is the golden eagle an endangered species?

Golden eagles can be protected if you do not impose any threat upon them, their prey or their habitat. If you do not litter there is less chance of the poor bird choking, personally I think golden eagles are smarter than that. Golden eagles like forests, they need them as their pray is ideally forest bound. If it really calls for it, they should be put in zoos to be bred and then released in greater number. If you are not in the mood to go litter-picking or woodcutter-slaughtering I'd recommend you begin your own rebellion against anything that may bring the golden eagle closer to extinction.

Why is the golden eagle endangered?

The golden eagle, Aquila Chrysaetos, is not an endangered species.

Is the Golden Trout on the endangered?

No the golden trout is not endangered.