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no the hottest are blue and the coolest are red

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Q: Are the hottest and brightest stars blue and white or yellow and white?
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Are the hottest stars the brightest?

blue and white

Are stars blue in colour?

Stars vary in color and may be red, orange, yellow, white, or blue. Blue stars are the hottest and among the brightest.

The hottest brightest stars are blank and White?


What is the brightest thing in the night sky?

Blue-white stars are the hottest and brightest stars; Sirius A (and its white dwarf companion Sirius B) is the brightest star in Earth's night sky.

What are the hottest stars from hottest to coolest in order?

blue indigo violet white yellow orange red blue being hottest

What color of the star is the brightest?

The hottest stars are blue or blue-white. Brightness is a different matter, and is not strictly related to color.

Is a yellow star the hottest?

Well I know this is not what you had in mind but white stars are hotter! If you where to compare, the blue stars would be hottest then the white stars, yellowish white, yellow orange then red. I know many people would have thought diffrently so face it our star (the sun) isn't the hottest.

What are the main colours of stars?

the main colors of stars (from hottest to cooler) are blue, white, yellow, orange, red.

What color are the brightest stars in the night sky?

The 20 brightest stars in the night sky cover the range of star colors: Red, yellow white and blue-white. The single brightest star is Sirius, which is blue-white. Antares and Betelgeuse, both in the top ten, are very red stars, to the naked eye. And so on.

Which stars are red?

The stars that are red are the coolest of all stars temperature wise. The hottest stars are blue, and medium cool stars are white or yellow.

What color are the hottest stars medium temperature stars like the sun coolest stars?

The sun is a G class star and (from space) its pale yellow.

Are the brightest stars white dwarfs?

No. White dwarfs are fairly dim. The brightest known stars are generally Wolf-Rayet stars.