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They are fake. Cheap material, break easily when when you are trying to cut something up. In other word, only for display.

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Q: Are the katanas sold in New York Chinatown real and if so are they of good quality and how good?
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Who makes the best swords?

Katanas without a doubt if you are looking for quality crafting.Katanas are not necessarily the best swords-any blade can be made to outperform them. Katanas can not cut machine gun barrels into, they do not have better steel nor do they have better wear resistance, edge geometry or quality. In fact..traditonally made katanas from pattern welded steels would actually be inferior. As for the question, the best sword would be one that is handmade by a professional who actively studies museum samples and understands what makes a sword "good". An example of such a bladesmith would be Paul Champagne.

What are good katanas in the market right now?

purple ones

Are there titanium katanas?

Yes, there are titanium katanas, but they are not traditionally made for use in combat or martial arts. Titanium, being a strong and lightweight material, is sometimes used in the construction of novelty or decorative katanas for display or ceremonial purposes. Traditional katanas are made of steel.

What is a good place for one to see many New York pictures?

There are many places in New York City to take good pictures. Some of these locations include Central Park, The Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, and Times Square.

How does housing look in New York?

Thous the housing in New York is not that like before with a good impressions rate from buyers and sellers, still there are areas in New York that has good and quality living areas.

How to get to Chinatown in poptropica?

good question. i dont know like omg

Does Houston's Chinatown have good knockoff handbags?

there must be,but they import good knockoff handbags from china,as a same item,you pay much more money than you buy from a online shop who wholesale and retail good quality handbags around the world from china, recommend a shop : ,they have nearly 60,000 handbags on sale,super quality,authentic leather products .check it out

What is the setting for Pearl S. Buck’s “The Good Deed”?

Chinatown, New York.

What are some good Asian markets in Chicago?

There are many good markets in ChinaTown near 22nd St. and Wentworth.

Where can anyone get the Best knock off designer handbags?

new york city streets Or........ to be more specific I got my first coach in New York but you can get good deals in Chinatown sometimes they barter with you . . . .. Or . . . . you could go to the goodwill maybe and look . . . . or Walmart and buy something cheap . . . . or Stein Mart . . . .

What is New York's major imports?

To import their product to many country and become popular in selling good quality product.

What is the hourly rate for a carpenter in Maine?

$45-$50 hr. coastal york county area, for good quality work