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No they are from different insect families. The bedbug is from the Cimicadae family, kissing bugs are of the insect family Triatominae. Bedbugs are attracted to make their home in or near somebody's bed by detecting the CO2 breath of the person asleep. They are called bedbugs because they are normally found in or near a bed and because they bite the occupant of that bed when he or she is asleep in it. They are becoming increasingly common all over the world. Kissing bugs are only found in certain countries and are very much rarer, and their bite is even more unpleasant than a bedbug's bite. They are called kissing bugs because they only seem to bite people on their face, where somebody kisses you. But some kissing bugs are also called assassin bugs and they actually attack and eat live bedbugs, particularly bedbugs that have recently had a meal of some person's blood.

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