



Once a common pest worldwide, a decline was seen during the past century mainly due to good sanitary practices and effective insecticides. A noticeable reoccurrence has been recently documented. Two main species exist, Cimex Lectularius and Cimex Hemipterus.

1,049 Questions

Can bedbugs cross over yards to another house?

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Bedbugs can potentially cross over from one house to another through various means, such as hiding in furniture or belongings that are moved between properties, or by hitching a ride on clothing or luggage. However, they are not known to travel long distances on their own. Proper prevention measures and early detection can help minimize the risk of bedbug infestations spreading between properties.

Is the bed bug a predator or a herbivore?

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Bed bugs are considered hematophagous parasites, which means they feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals, including humans. They are not classified as predators or herbivores because they rely on blood as their sole source of nutrition.

If bedbugs invested your clothing should you stay home?

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If you have bedbugs in your clothing, it is best to take care of the situation promptly. Wash and dry your clothes on high heat to kill the bedbugs, vacuum your home, and consider seeking professional help if the infestation is severe. It is not necessary to stay home as long as you take appropriate steps to address the issue.

How do you tell if it is a tick bite or bug bite?

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A tick bite is a bug bite.

Tick bites hurt a lot. Other bites tend to itch.

I found my tick & bite because it itched a lot. It is a tick bite if there is a tick on it although baby ticks can be as small as a piece of pepper. ICK!

What is the scientific aim of the Bugs O Copter?

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The scientific aim of the Bugs O Copter is to study insect flight dynamics, such as the interaction between the wings and the air, to improve the design of micro air vehicles based on biological principles.

What does the simile barmy as a bed bug mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"barmy" just means crazy, mad

"as barmy as a bedbug" is from Roald Dahl's "Matilda" and is just one of many examples of his use of animal imagery for comedic effect.

It doesn't mean anything in itself, no-one would actually say this, as no-one would describe bedbugs as being crazy, and they aren't a creature associated with madness ;) unless you go mad with how itchy the bites are - I got bitten all over staying in a hostel in Rome once and it took a week for the bites to stop itching, another week for them to fade....

It's the juxtaposition of the two items which never usually appear together (unusual collocation) as well as the alliteration of 'b' which makes the simile amusing.

How do bed bugs protect themselves?

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A bedbug protects itself from being attacked by a human in various ways. Firstly the bedbug can tell from the breath of the person when he or she is asleep, so the bedbug will usually wait until it detects a person who is asleep before coming out of its hiding place and crawling on to the person's skin to feed on his or her blood during the night.

Secondly immediately after crawling on to the person and before piercing their skin in order to insert the tiny tube through which the bedbug needs to extract the blood into its mouth, which is adapted for piercing and sucking, the bedbug first injects a chemical comprising a powerful anaestheticand a coagulant into the sleeping person's skin.

This anaesthetic effect protects the bedbug by numbing any feeling, so the sleeping person does not know nor react to the presence of the bedbug on their skin while it is feasting on their blood such as by scratching until the anaesthetic has worn off. This only happens after the bedbug has completed its meal and by then crawled back off the person and to its hiding place, and so it can no longer be harmed by the person scratching or swatting.

Secondly the coagulant makes the blood come out of the wound the bedbug has made in their skin nice and slowly. This protects the bedbug from being flooded with too much blood coming out too fast

The bedbug also protects itself by only coming out of its hiding place to have its meal when it is dark, as well as when detecting breath of somebody asleep so should the bed occupant wake up he will not be able to see the presence of bedbugs unless he or she turns on a light and so will most likely not realize there are bedbugs in the bed.

Another protection is that the bedbug remains somewhere during day times such as in a crevice or the fold of a mattress or a crevice or crack in the floor or wall or nearby furniture so its flat tiny body can not be readily seen by people during daylight.

Is there any way to kill bed bugs other than hiring an exterminator?

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You could buy pesticides labeled for bed bugs, a respirator mask, and gloves, and carefully follow the instructions to treat your home. But often doing your own pest control for bed bugs means you spread the problem and make it harder to eliminate. Answer Best advice: get a professional in and make sure they know how to get rid of bed bugs. Avoid the use of aerosol or fogger based insecticides as these can disperse the problem.

Where's the origion of Sleep Tight don't let the bed bugs bite?

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That crazy Lawrence Welk!

If someone with bed bugs sleep at your house will you have bed bugs?

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If they sleep in their casual clothes they will probably carry them over to your house. To avoid having them ask the person to have a shower before they come over. If you do have bed bugs in a mattress you should isolate it or they will spread. An exterminator can clean them off if you need it.

Are bed bugs hard to see?

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No. Bedbugs don't hang around the bed but they go back to deep hiding places, under carpets cracks in walls etc. You may see other evidence though like droppings etc. Best thing to do is call your local council who'll be able to fumigate your place for free to be on the safe side.

How do you get rid of bedbugs on a low budget?

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Expose your mattresses, clothing, curtains, plush toys and furniture to direct sunlight outside, particularly afternoon sunlight when the sun is at its brightest. This will kill most if not all of adult bed bugs, nymphs, larvae and nests.

Vacuuming in every corner of the house including in the nooks and crannies of your furniture and under EVERYTHING will eliminate nests and live bed bugs.

Using duct tape, inside out on the bottom of furniture legs, bed posts, etc will trap the bugs before they can climb to the mattresses.

Usie extremely hot temperatures when washing and drying clothing and toys in the washing machine and dryer.

For toys that aren't machine washable, vacuum them as best as possible, and enclose them in a plastic bag, removing all the air (airtight) and set in sun for a few hours.

Steam cleaning is the most popular and effective way of eliminating bed bugs. If you have a household steam cleaner, steam everything from the curtains to the floors and under every piece of furniture. The intense temperatures kills bed bugs instantly.

Cover holes in walls and wooden furniture with duct tape, to trap bugs and nests, and prevent them from feeding off of hosts.

Place Lavender satchels (potpourri) around the house and especially under mattresses, around couches and other furniture, and around baseboards of house. Eucalyptus is also known to work as well at deterring spiders, earwigs, beetles, ants and other creepy crawlies from entering and infesting a home.

Where is the current bedbug infestation?

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the short answer is currently "everywhere" because they are currently infesting people's beds all over the world and in most countries they are on the increase.

Can you use alcohol to get rid of bed bugs?

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No bedbugs are extremely robust creatures and even using dried alcohol all over your home is highly unlikely to get rid of them, but could be hazardous to the health and well being of everybody living in the home.

No - if you have bedbugs in your bed the best way to deal with them is to freeze them all to death instantly by using a Cryonite unit. You can hire a cryonite unit to do this for a lot less than buying a new bed and considerably less than calling in a professional pest exterminator. Cryonite units are fairly easy to use if you follow directions.

What you need to do is go around the house to all locations where bedbugs may be hiding or breeding and use it. The Cryonite unit sends out a spray that creates an extremely cold and dry ice snow from chemical action in the spray. When this snow makes contact with the bed bugs the fluids in their bodies are automatically instantly deep frozen and so the bugs die instantly and unhatched eggs are also destroyed on contact. After using a cryonite unit there is no residue, though it might be prudent to wash your clothes before wearing them again after using a Cryonite spray on or near them.

What type of symbiotic relationship does a bed bug and a human?

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It is parasitism because the bed bug benefits and the human is harmed

What happens if you find the bed bugs bit you?

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Well you will get extreme bumps that can be really big. It will also take very long to cure.

Can you see bed bugs with a magnifying glass?

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Yes, if they've been around to drink your blood for long enough to grow big. Google images of them.

Correcting above = All bedbugs are visible to the naked eye. The newly born nymphs being about a millimeter which is about a fifth of the size of an adult bedbug. The unhatched eggs are much smaller looking like and being just half the size of a grain of salt before the egg hatches but the bedbug eggs too can be seen with the naked eye unless the viewer is poor sighted. But when bedbugs come out and crawl on to you to sip your blood it will normally be dark and you will most probably be fast asleep. So you will not see them unless you happen to awaken and shine a torch on to yourself and your sheet before they escape to their hiding place.

Why are bed bugs not considered to be a health issue?

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Asked by Alloveranswers

Bedbugs apparently do not cause a communicable disease, and therefore are not considered a "threat" to the general public. It might be technically true, but what they don't tell you is that once you get bedbugs onto your clothes and body, and bring them home, you are doomed.

Bedbugs are almost impossible to get rid of from clothes, furniture and bedding, and I have heard even after 3 heat treatments, an expensive fumigation technique, they can still be a problem.

I think the public deserves the right to know when a public building has a problem with bedbugs, and should have to close its doors until the bedbugs have been removed, and an inspection done to prove so.

Does condominium association insurance cover bedbug infestation?

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The association's master policy is the insurance you reference. Your master policy broker will be able to answer your question for you.

Otherwise, your tenant's policy or owner's HO-6 policy may have coverage. Again, contact your broker who can give you the answer you need.

Can bedbug bites make you nauseous?

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Bed bug bites are known to cause skin rashes (effects ranging from redness to prominent blisters). People are also known to have allergic reactions to bites which can cause severe sickness or possibly death. Studies have shown that although bedbugs can host 28 human pathogens they seem incapable of passing these on to other people

Are there bed bugs in the Philippines?

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Yes especially from Justin

Can bed bugs come back after extermination?

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The simple answer is yes. Most likely you will need the exterminator to come twice. The first time he will kill the living bugs. The second time he will kill the babies from the eggs that hatched. The chemicals that exterminators use do not kill the eggs. So after the first treatment the eggs are still alive. The gestation period for bed bugs is about 1-2 weeks. So the exterminator will need to come back a second time after the they have hatched. It's important to have the exterminator come back before the babies turn into adults and reproduce again. If the exterminator tells you that he can get rid of them in one treatment then find a new exterminator. It's just not true.

It's hard to say whether or not you will need more than 2 exterminations. It depends on the degree of the infestation, how well you prepped your apartment for extermination, the skill and experience of the exterminator and whether or not you live in an apartment with other affected units. If you do, then it is likely the bugs will crawl through the walls and come back.

What bugs can live in your hair?

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yes and they are very hard to get out too you would have to cut them out !

Do insect repellents repel bedbugs?

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some of them do but cold kills them and you have to wash your sheets in hot water