



Once a common pest worldwide, a decline was seen during the past century mainly due to good sanitary practices and effective insecticides. A noticeable reoccurrence has been recently documented. Two main species exist, Cimex Lectularius and Cimex Hemipterus.

500 Questions

Can you get rid of bed bugs on dogs?

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no, you might have to take your dog or any pet and get him or her checked out.

What do you do when you get bedbugs?

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well of course go to the doctor and they will give the right medicine to treat the rash that the bed bug will eventually form in your skin

bedbug bites are easy to identify because they look like misquito bites but they are always 3 in a row

How effective is turpertine for killing bed bugs?

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The following are all reported methods individuals have tried in attempting to self-treat or prevent bed bugs and bed bug bites. Please note, that when attempting to self-treat a bed bug infestation the chances are that the infestation will only be made worse, causing more expenses and more heartache for everyone involved.

  1. Leaving the Lights On

    What it is supposed to to - Sleeping with the lights on is meant to confuse bugs into not biting because they think that it is day time

    What it really does - Bed Bugs will still bite. They are usually most active during the dusk hours because they have a meal. Bed bugs are attracted to the CO2 and body heat emitted from your body. The will still detect you on the bed and will still bite. Not to mention the increased electric bill!

  2. Eliminating Heat

    What it is supposed to do - Turning off the heat during the winter months is thought by some to freeze the bed bugs and in effect kill them off.

    What it really does - The lack of heat can freeze water pipes, propane lines, and more in your home, all the wile, not allowing the home to get cold enough to exterminate bed bugs. This requires EXTREME temperatures.

  3. Olive Oil

    What it is supposed to do - Covering your body in olive oil before going to bed makes your skin so slippery that bed bugs cannot climb on or off of your body.

    What it really does - Bed bugs can slide underneath your body, and will continue to bite all areas of skin that are touching the mattress, that is, if they truly cannot walk on your body. Don't forget the messy sheets you will wake up to in the morning!

  4. Bug Bombs

    What it is supposed to do - Setting off bombs inside the home full of insecticide (similar products are often used for fleas) will fully cover the area and effectively exterminate any bed bugs.

    What it really does - Bombing of an area for bed bugs has the tenancy to spread the infestation. All chemical bombings are risky procedures, and take the chance of contamination of many items. Bombing can also blow windows out of buildings due to the increased pressure inside.

  5. Gasoline/Kerosene/Turpentine

    What it is supposed to do - Dousing beds, couches, and entire residences in diesel fuel or kerosene will inhibit the movement of bed bugs, and eventually kill them off for lack of food.

    What it really does - Can you say "Fire Hazard"? This method is not onlyextremely dangerous, there is also no proof that it is actually effective.

Other Myths

Sulfur Burning - burning sulfur inside of the home

Fire Extinguishers - Spraying on bed bugs to attempt to freeze them

Exterior Pesticides - using pesticides that are not effective against bed bugs

WD-40 - Spraying the chemical directly on bugs

Baking Soda/Rubbing Alcohol - Applying this combination to mattress, sofa, etc.

With all of the myths going on surrounding bed bug treatment and prevention, we at A3 Superior Pest Control ask that you do not attempt to self-treat. Please call a pest control professional. To contact A3 Superior, call 1-877-757-7767.

What do bed bugs look like?

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The common bed bug, cimex lectularius. The adult is approximately 4-5 mm in length, wingless and brown in colour. They have long well developed walking legs with claws for clinging on hosts during their feeding time. They are flat and oval in shape. The main evidence knowing that you have got bed bugs is not seeing the actual pest but finding small specks of blood of mattresses. They often hide in head boards and the cracks and crevices of mattresses, so a good inspection here is required. I would also recommend looking behind wallpaper which has slightly been raised. Its eggs are small, white/ yellow in colour and app. 1mm long. More biological information can be found at as well as information about controlling them.

What are the little bugs that look like crabs?

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A very small bug that looks like a crab and jumps is called a crab lice. They are prodigious egg layers and like infesting hair in in human beings.

How do bedbugs start in your home?

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They first get into your home either by unhatched eggs being in some luggage, furniture, bedding or other item brought into your home or in rare cases by live bedbugs crawling into your home from somebody else's home because they detect the breath of somebody asleep in your home from where they were. The commonest ways are from somebody buying second hand furniture from somebody whose home had a bedbug infestation in it and where a female bedbug laid its eggs in hidden part of that furniture, or else when you return from holiday having stayed somewhere like a hotel which had a bedbug infestation, and where perhaps one or more female bedbugs laid eggs in your luggage which you bring home with you without knowing. Once the eggs first hatch in your home the newly born nymph will detect your breath while you are asleep. It will want a meal so it will crawl towards where it detects your breath coming from, which may be 50 metres or more from where the eggs first hatch. Once it finds you it will climb or jump into your bed for its first blood meal off you, and then find a hiding place very close to where you sleep such as in your mattress seams or a hole in the floorbaords under your bed. After four succesive meals off you, the nymph will have become an adult bedbug and a female bedbug can then lay more eggs in or near your bed and so more nymphs may be born and gradually a major infestation come about, probably also spreading to other occupied beds in your home.

Will cedar oil kill bed bugs?

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YES! If you use Nature's Defender which has Cedar Oil and Silane. This is a contact killer. The silane makes each molecule of cedar 8 times more potent. The cedar must contact the bug or larvae to kill it. This will happen within 40 seconds of the smallest drop. I bought this product online at Ohio Cedar Oil and tested it myself.

Thank you.

-I would like to add that while Cedar Oil may be a contact killer, it will not be sufficient to rid a residence of bed bugs. You must use heat or a residual killer. Most bed bugs only come out at night, so if you spray the bugs you find during the day, there are probably hundreds that you didn't get. You will need a PCO to coat your bed, mattress, other furniture, baseboards, and outlet covers with a residual killer, so any bug that contacts that place later will die.

Contact killers may give you more confidence, but they cannot solve the problem alone.

Do you get a fever if you have a bedbug bites you?

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No although being bitten by bedbugs can cause itching. They also cause an allergic reaction to the coagulant and anaesthetic they inject into people's blood, which can result in painful rashes or weals to appear on the skin of some people. But they do not transmit any fever or diseases like some mosquitoes or fleas might when they bite you.

AnswerBedbugs don't cause fever or spread disease, but can really harm quality of life. Some people are affected psychologically however with an inability to sleep.

Name some eight legged insects?

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By definition, insects have six legs. There are, therefore, no insects that have eight legs.

However, the family of arachnids are classed as having eight legs. These arachnids are often mistaken for insects, but are actually a completely different classification.

What looks like a bed bug but has eight legs?

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All members of the arachnid family have eight legs each. This includes:

  • Spiders
  • Scorpions
  • Ticks
  • Mites

Can bed bugs live in an oven?

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Yes, bed bugs can live anywhere that there is a host for them to feed off of - in other words, anywhere.

They feed mostly off of humans and animals. They are called 'bed' bugs because people are often in bed for long uninterrupted amounts of time for them to be able to feed.

If you think you have bed bugs, know the signs, buy mattress and clothing covers before they get into your bedroom... Prevent them before they get to you!

Can you suffocate bedbugs in plastic bags?

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has your brain been tapped

i have an interesting story to share about bed bugs. i have found several in my house and have decided to do experiments on them. i put three in a zip lock bag and decided to observe them. one died on the second day. several days later i noticed one was laying eggs. about ten days now and two are still alive and the eggs have hatched. 11 eggs and 11 new bed bugs. they are still small and white, almost clear. i am assuming without food they will soon die but i am waiting to see how long the adults in the bag will live. if anyone is interested i will check or update this periodically

However be aware adult bedbugs all over the world are known to be able to survive without any food for well over a year, so although your new nymphs in the bag will not get any bigger and will probably soon die, the likelihood is the 3 adults in there will remain alive month after month. And if there are any bedbugs or bedbug eggs elsewhere in the house from the same stock which you have not yet discovered, they will probably still be breeding and perhaps feeding. So having the ones trapped in the zip bag is not guaranteed to proyect you from being bitten and being "their" dinner when you are fast asleep at night.

How do you get rid of thunder bugs that attract to bright coulers?

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They are attracted to yellowish colored things, I have them in my greenhouse and I just put a few trays of olive oil around my pots in clear plastic containers and they get stuck in the oil and die. I have almost killed off all of the litter guys in about a weeks time, the oil is thick with dead thrips.

Also the yellow fly tape works well, but be careful where you hang it because you don't want to bump into it and get your hair caught in it :)

Does baby powder kill bedbugs?

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yes it clogs there breathing system and the suffocate to death.

What does the bite of a stink bug look like?

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Like nothing stink bugs can't bite or sting they don't have a stinger and their mouth is made for sucking..... little microscopic things for food.. they can't hurt you they only stink

How do you know if you've got bedbugs?

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If you think you may have a bug problem in your bed where you live, because they only come out to feed off you at night when it is dark and usually when you are fast asleep, and because you will not feel anything when they are actually feeding off you, it is easiest to check for their presence in daylight, such as when you strip and make your bed.

you may or may not see little red marks or blisters on your body, as not everyone gets them but some get them very conspicuously with really large looking blisters all over their body. But whether you see red marks on you or not, You really need to inspect your mattress and turn it, if you think you may have been bitten during the night as the most likely place some will be hiding in the daytime is either on the underside or in the folds or crevices of the bed's mattress.

If you disturb them during the day, such as when you make your bed, you may see them rushing around to find somewhere dark because they do not like light. Also any cracks in the bed's structure or furniture very near the bed or under the carpet underneath or near the bed are all common hiding places.

Remember they are reddish brown in colour and usually look very flat about the size of a small ant, but the nymphs are much smaller than the adults but still very visible to the naked eye during daylight. Other signs are small blood spotsover your sheets or pillows or on your mattress, or perhaps on the walls near your bed or else discarded bedbug nymph skins on your sheets in the bed or nearby, and a rather unpleasant musty smell.

Be aware "YOU" yourself do not get bedbugs but "A BED" that you use may do. So in say a hotel bed, which three different people sleep in on three successive nights, each of those people will have a bedbug problem only while they are in that bedroom.

When they check out of the hotel in the morning in most cases they will leave the bedbug problem behind them, for the next occupant of that room will inherit it. But occasionally if you do have the misfortune to sleep in an infested bed when away from home and leave your luggage or clothing near the bed, it is possible one or more female bedbugs may lay their eggs in your luggage or clothing. A favourite place is in side a holdall where the eggs will get stuck to a hard surface inside and are not very easy to see. So you may then unwittingly carry the bedbug problem with you, and possibly the eggs may then hatch where you live after you get home, and then you have got a bedbug problem in your home which may not become apparent for weeks after the trip where you first got the problem.

Wherever the eggs hatch the nymphs will detect the CO2 of anybody nearby who is asleep and will instinctively make for the source, which means make for the bed and climb up to feed off whoever is sleeping in that bed and they then make their new home nearby, such as in the folds of the mattress.

Bedbugs set up their home very near to a bed because they need human blood as their food. They also have the ability to sense CO2 breathed out by a person who is asleep and the bedbugs are instinctively attracted to the source, that is you, if it happens to be the CO2 you are breathing out it detects when it wants food.

Can bed bugs be transferded to another person?

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Probably not. Unless they somehow carried a bed bug with them to work without noticing, and you carried that bed bug home with you without noticing. In addition, it would have to be a pregnant female, that would lay its eggs in your home. Since you can feel a bite within minutes or an hour (it itches like a mosquito bite), you shouldn't be caught off guard. I suppose one could be hiding in their purse, and then jump into your purse, but this seems like a very unlikely situation.

How do you treat a lizard bite?

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If you survive, clean the wound immediately and thoroughly.

The bacteria in most lizards mouths (and especially the Komodo) are dangerous.

If you have no sterile liquids available immediately use urine- in healthy people it is sterile! Piss on the wound to wash it. (Don't let the urine stand around in a container for many minutes.)

Seek professional medical attention as soon as possible.

What is the Yiddish word for bedbug?

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וואַנץ, vants. It can refer both to an actual bedbug or to a loathesome, repellant person.

Does acetone kill bed bugs?

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Yes, but is not a practical alternative to pestricides.

Name the five sense organs?

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Hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling

How many legs do bedbugs have?

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Six legs.

2 in the front section and 4 in the back section.

(They also have 2 antenna so try not to confuse those for legs.)

Should you wear protective clothing while cleaning a house that has bed bugs?

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Sleeping with or without clothing generally will not make a difference, though sleeping with clothing can help to lessen the bites.

Can Detol kill bed bugs?

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I tried that it did not work

Why do bed bugs not get caught in spider's webs?

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AnswerNot all of the strings in the spider's web are sticky. The spider knows which are which and they move around by walking on the nonsticky ones.

Thats right. Spiders do produce two entirely different "types" of thread. They use the non sticky threads as spokes to move around their web while they build the proper sticky bits.

AnswerA spider has special glands that produce an oil like material that does not stick to their own web. I am guessing these are located somewhere near their feet since these are the parts that come in contact most with the web. Not really an answer, but still!Next time you see a spider web, try touching the very center of it where the spider sits. It shouldn't be sticky. Also, when the spider is in the web, try plucking the threads. The spider will come rushing to that point to fix it.