



Once a common pest worldwide, a decline was seen during the past century mainly due to good sanitary practices and effective insecticides. A noticeable reoccurrence has been recently documented. Two main species exist, Cimex Lectularius and Cimex Hemipterus.

500 Questions

Can Detol kill bed bugs?

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I tried that it did not work

Why do bed bugs not get caught in spider's webs?

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AnswerNot all of the strings in the spider's web are sticky. The spider knows which are which and they move around by walking on the nonsticky ones.

Thats right. Spiders do produce two entirely different "types" of thread. They use the non sticky threads as spokes to move around their web while they build the proper sticky bits.

AnswerA spider has special glands that produce an oil like material that does not stick to their own web. I am guessing these are located somewhere near their feet since these are the parts that come in contact most with the web. Not really an answer, but still!Next time you see a spider web, try touching the very center of it where the spider sits. It shouldn't be sticky. Also, when the spider is in the web, try plucking the threads. The spider will come rushing to that point to fix it.

Can bedbugs live in a outside plant nursery?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes but below like 60 something degrees the go into hibernation

Can you get a bug bite on your lip?

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You can get a bug bite any were. It's up to the bug to choose were it wants to bite you, and it's up to you to stand idly bye and let the bug bite you.

What are red bugs in your bed?

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Velvet mites are very small and red, but are usually found on porches. They could also be bedbugs. This is very unlikely though as there are less than 10 in the world.

What precautions should one take against bedbugs in hotel rooms?

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The best precaution is to check online if the hotel you're about to check into as some nasty pest-filled reviews. However, if you unfortunately end up staying in a hotel that is infested with bed bugs, launder all your clothes with hot water and detergent and dry on low heat for about 20 mins and then seal all your freshly - laundered items in an air tight plastic bag. However, if you carry some of the bed bugs home in your luggage, call a professional immediately before the infestation worsens.

Can bed bugs go from your bed to your suit case?

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Yes!! This is one of the main ways that people end up infesting their homes. Travel to an infested hotel, bed bugs travel into your luggage, which you then bring home, they come out of the luggage and travel right into your bed at home.

Will salt kill a bed bug?

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No you can't. The use of salt along with a mixture of baking powder and water is usually used to treat bed bug bites. A home remedy to kill bed bugs, that has worked for some people is to use rubbing alcohol. It kills them if they come in direct contact with it. But if you're looking for a safe, long term solution, it is always advisable to call a professional

Can you transmit bedbugs while in a pool?

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Yes, the only way to get rid of them is to take a mustard bath

Do bedbugs live in electronics?

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Bed bugs will infest anything they touch, so make sure you hire a professional to clean everything thoroughly. Crack open the shell of your electronics and double check (the electronic item has to be fairly large, for example: a desktop computer, a TV, a fridge). Anything suspected to have a decent sized to appropriately sized ports or openings, they will try to exploit this and explore till their hearts (or stomachs) content. If you're worried of a b.bugs infestation and lately your electronics have been acting strangely or inefficiently, this may be a cause from fecal matter or nest/borrowing in your devices. If bed bugs try to enter through the fan of your computer, then your fan will be gunked up from bed bug corpses.

In my opinion, I'd burn my house down before bed bugs started taking over.

How many eggs does a bedbug lay in a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

5 eggs in a day

Herbal remedies to kill bed bugs?

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The best way to kill bed bugs is with blitz bed bugs. Here is the website :)

How do you get bed bugs?

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The common bed bug is a small, reddish-brown insect. Bed bugs are oval-shaped with flattened bodies.

Bed bugs feed on the blood of humans and animals to survive. Unlike some parasites, such as fleas or lice, bed bugs do not live on their hosts but only visit them to feed. Bed bugs are most active at night. Their bite is similar to being bitten by a mosquito it is painless and may results in a small, red, itchy bump. However, many people have no reaction at all.

Bed bugs cannot fly and prefer to hide close to their hosts when not feeding. They can be found in apartments, hotels, homes, shelters, and student dormitories. Bed bugs can also hide on clothing or in luggage when you travel and can be brought to places like your home or hotel.

Reports of bed bug problems have been on the rise. The increase in bed bugs is thought to be the result of changes in modern pest control practices including the use of insect specific baits and gels, which do not work for bed bug control. In addition, more people are traveling abroad increasing the chance of bringing the insect back in their luggage.

How many bugs live inside the body?

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Certain parasitic insects (e.g. botfly) can lay their eggs under your skin. The larvae will then grow inside you just under the skin.

What do lady bugs symbolize?

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Asked by Wiki User

This address takes you to an interesting perspective on the spirituality of ladybugs: Hopefully, you find this information helpful.

Are bed bugs real?

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Yes, bed bugs are real and can be a serious problem. I work at a University and we have several cases each year as many students are coming and going. Once you have bed bugs, they are very difficult to get rid of. Bed bugs are also very easy to spread to other dwellings if you are not aware you have them. If you find you have bed bugs, contact an extermination company who has experience with treating and fumigating bed bugs (most effective way is to use a trailer fumigation system). Getting rid of bed bugs is a lengthy and sometimes costly process that requires a great deal of cooperation. I'm not aware that bed bugs can be exterminated without professional help. Also, bed bugs don't just live on beds. Google "bed bugs" for more information.

How do bed bug bites affect dogs?

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Bed bugs are bloodsucking insects. If the infestation is bad enough, it could cause illness.

How much blood does a bed bug suck every night?

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The flea can suck quite a bit of blood for something so little. They can suck up to 15 times their own weight in blood.

Do the bedbugs lay eggs a lot?

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Female bed bugs lay from one to twelve eggs per day, and the eggs are deposited on rough surfaces or in crack and crevices. The eggs are coated with a sticky substance so they adhere to the substrate. Eggs hatch in 6 to 17 days, and nymphs can immediately begin to feed. They require a blood meal in order to molt. Bed bugs reach maturity after five molts. Developmental time (egg to adult) is affected by temperature and takes about 21 days at 86° F to 120 days at 65° F. The nymphal period is greatly prolonged when food is scarce. Nymphs and adults can live for several months without food. The adult's lifespan may encompass 12-18 months. Three or more generations can occur each year. goodluck!!!!!

Where can I see pictures of bed bugs through a microscope?

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Asked by Wiki User

One can message their local pest control company and request them to mail or e-mail you some information and/or pamphlets about bed bugs. These will include a description and some pictures to be able to use as an accurate account for bed bug comparison.

Can bedbugs live at high altitudes?

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Asked by Wiki User

I suppose if a mountain sheep died they would live on it but now bedbugs are perfectly adapted to sharing your bed eating you dead skin

Do bedbugs like wood furniture?

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Asked by Kimseyhead

Yes. They can live under your dressers, in nightstands, and on headboards. They can live in your walls, and between the wall and baseboards. They live behind pictures, in cracks, behind damaged wall paper and in electrical outlets.

Will heat kill bed bugs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, heat will kill bed bugs. In a 2002 issue of an industry journal, Pest Management Professional, Dr. Hanif Gulmahamad states, "It has been reported that bed bug eggs have been killed after an exposure of one hour at 113F, and first-instar nymphs died after 15 minutes of exposure to the same temperature. For adult bed bugs, the thermal death point is reported to be 111.2F." There are additional references to similar temeratures (Usinger, 1966) and in Chapter 8 of the Mallis 9th edition, Handbook of Pest Control.

How do you keep bedbugs out of your apt when another unit has them in multi-unit building?

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It depends on how close to your apartment the bedbug infested apartment is. The most obvious precaution is under no circumstances buy or borrow anything from that apartment. In particular whatever you do, do NOT buy or borrow any furniture any bedlinen or any mattresses. If you do you will almost certainly get a bedbug problem as there will almost certainly be unhatched bedbug eggs in such items. Similarly do not let anyone living in the infested apartment or anybody that has visited it, such as the landlord come into your apartment after being in there, because it is possible he or she will carry bedbug eggs or even one or more live bedbugs in his clothes or shoes or some such item with him. If it is very close another danger to you is that bedbugs find hosts by human breath emitted by some person when asleep. So if a nearby apartment has an infestation do not leave any windows or doors open facing there when somebody is asleep anywhere in your apartment Bedbugs can detect human breath of anybody asleep as far away as 50 metres and once they detect it, if where they are is already over crowded with other bedbugs, they might try to move to somewhere else, like your apartment after being enticed by the sleeper's breath of anybody in bed in your apartment. It makes no difference if the breath if from a man or woman, adult or child, all are equally enticing to an adult bedbug or bedbug nymph wanting food.

Would a stink bug eat a bedbug?

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Ladybugs eat small plant eating arthropods. Almost exclusively, their main diet consists of aphids. The bugs that do eat bedbugs are not the kind you want in your home (cockroaches and house centipedes) and you would need a large number of these pests to make any impact on a population of bedbugs.

If you have bedbugs, it is strongly recommended that you call a professional exterminator who would come into your home and kill the bed bugs with heat, cold or a chemical insecticide.

The short answer? No, ladybugs do not eat bedbugs.