



Beds are where most people spend a third of their lives sleeping. Ask questions about these essential pieces of furniture here.

2,191 Questions

Dones Leo put his sister to bed?

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It is not specified whether Leo put his sister to bed.

Why are beds above the ground?

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Asked by Lifeiscomplicated

Beds are usually raised off the ground to provide better ventilation, prevent heat from being trapped, reduce dust and dirt accumulation, and to make it easier to get in and out of bed. Additionally, this design can also provide storage space underneath the bed.

Why do bed sheets get fuzz balls?

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Fuzz balls on bed sheets are often caused by the friction and abrasion between the sheets and other items like clothing and blankets during laundering and use. Over time, the fibers in the sheets can become tangled and form small balls, or pills, on the surface. Using gentle washing cycles and avoiding over-drying can help reduce fuzz balls on bed sheets.

How can you tell when there is a monster in bed with you?

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Asked by Wiki User

well that's not true that monsters are real but if you're kids are scared that there's a monster under there bed here's a 3 step solution 1. get a spray bottle 2.spray it under there bed (if you have carpeting just use an empty spray bottle) 3. tell them the monsters all gone (if you don't have a spray bottle just use a vacum cleaner)

Who discovered the bed?

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The first known bed dates back to ancient Egypt, around 3000 BC. It is not known exactly who discovered the concept of a bed, but early civilizations around the world independently developed their own variations of sleeping platforms.

What is the relationship between red beds and oxygen in the atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

Red beds are sedimentary rocks that derive their color from iron oxide minerals that form in oxidizing conditions. The presence of abundant red beds in the geological record can indicate periods of high oxygen levels in the atmosphere, as iron is more likely to be oxidized in the presence of free oxygen.

What are astronauts beds like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the spacecraft or space station using velcro straps. They can position themselves in a sleeping bag so they don't float around during their sleep in microgravity. The sleeping bag provides some comfort and support in the absence of a traditional bed.

What do astronaut beds look like?

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Astronaut beds on the International Space Station are small sleeping compartments with walls to keep the astronaut from floating around while they sleep. They typically have sleeping bags that are attached to the wall to keep them in place. Astronauts sleep in a sleeping bag that is strapped to the wall inside the compartment to keep them from floating around.

King bed sheets vs California king bed sheets?

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California bed sheets are slightly different bed sheets - they aren't as wide as standard king bed sheets, but they are longer then standard bed sheets. (80*76 (king bed sheets) vs. 84*72(california bed sheets)).

Is A graded bed deposited in a matter of hours is called a turbidite bed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a graded bed deposited in a matter of hours is known as a turbidite bed. Turbidites are sedimentary deposits formed by underwater flows called turbidity currents, which transport sediments and deposit them in distinctive graded layers. These layers represent different stages in the flow's velocity and energy, reflecting rapid deposition over a short timescale.

Why does bed load decrease in size?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bed load decreases in size due to attrition, which is the process of particles colliding with each other and breaking into smaller pieces as they are transported by water or wind. Over time, this continuous process of abrasion results in the reduction of particle size in the bed load.

How do you find river bed-load?

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Asked by Wiki User

To find river bedload, you can collect sediment samples from the river bed and analyze them in a laboratory. Another method is to use a sediment trap or gauge to measure the amount of sediment transported by the river over time. This can help determine the size and composition of the bedload in the river.

Which rocks make excellent confining beds?

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Low-permeability rocks such as shales, mudstones, and siltstones make excellent confining beds for confining fluid flow due to their compact and impermeable nature. These rocks have small pore spaces and low porosity, which restrict the movement of fluids through them, making them effective barriers for confining fluids within a reservoir.

What scientific discipline would examine the effects of weather over an extended period of time?

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Climatology is the scientific discipline that studies long-term weather patterns and their effects on the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, and ecosystems.

What is heterolithic beds?

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Heterolithic beds are sedimentary deposits that contain a mixture of lithologies, such as sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone, interbedded in varying proportions. These beds often form in environments where different sediment types alternate due to changes in energy levels or sediment supply. Heterolithic beds are commonly found in deltaic, tidal, and fluvial settings.

What is meant by the natural bed of stone?

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The natural bed of stone refers to the way in which a stone is positioned in the ground or in a quarry, usually in relation to its layers or natural grain. Stones can be cut along their natural bed to ensure the most stable and visually appealing result when used in construction or landscaping. This method helps enhance the stone's durability and overall aesthetics.

Which process forms salt beds?

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Salt beds are primarily formed through the evaporation of seawater over long periods of time in closed basins such as inland seas or salt flats. As the water evaporates, minerals including sodium chloride crystallize and accumulate on the surface, eventually forming thick layers of salt. Over time, these layers can become buried and compressed, leading to the formation of salt beds.

What is the bottom of a bed called?

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The bottom of a bed is typically called the footboard. It is a panel that is situated at the foot end of the bed frame.

How much does a double size bed sheet weigh?

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On average, a double-size bed sheet typically weighs around 2-3 pounds, depending on the material and quality of the fabric.

How much does a king size bed sheet weigh?

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A king size bed sheet typically weighs between 2-4 pounds, depending on the material and thickness of the sheet.

What is the mass of a bed?

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The mass of a bed can vary widely depending on the size, material, and design of the bed. On average, a standard queen-size bed with a mattress and frame can weigh anywhere from 100 to 150 pounds. For more specific information, it would be best to check the manufacturer's specifications for the bed in question.

How do you thrust on a bed?

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To thrust on a bed, make sure you and your partner are comfortable and in a position where you have enough room to move. Use your hips to generate the thrusting motion while maintaining good communication with your partner to ensure you both are enjoying the experience. Remember to take breaks, switch positions, and prioritize mutual pleasure and consent.

How much do twin bed sheets weigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, twin bed sheets can weigh between 2-4 pounds, depending on the material and thickness of the sheets. Silk or microfiber sheets may be lighter, while flannel or cotton sheets tend to be heavier.

Why put charcoal under a bed?

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Some people believe that placing charcoal under a bed can help absorb odors and moisture, acting as a natural deodorizer and reducing humidity. However, this method may not be scientifically proven to be effective and could potentially create a mess if not properly contained.

How do you iron king size flat sheets?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Start by washing and drying the sheet to remove wrinkles.
  2. Lay the sheet flat on the ironing board, starting with one corner and working your way across.
  3. Use a steam iron on the appropriate setting, moving in smooth, even strokes to remove wrinkles. Fold or hang the sheet immediately after to prevent new wrinkles.