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Q: Are the knights of labor still around today?
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When did a knight live?

There are knights today. Knighthoods are still bestowed.

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watever go aask sum where else

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it still exists today

What era does a knight come from?

If you maybe meant the age, the knights lived in medieval, 5th century - 15th century, though it should be remembered there are still knights today

Were the Knights Templer Germanic?

Yes. The Knights Templar were Germanic, the originated as a Christian religious order of Knights who fought in the Crusades and they were originally from the Western portion of Germany near the Rhine river. Towards the end to after the crusades, a few of the members of the Knights Templar moved into France, and expanded the order to France. The Knights Templar originated from the Teutonic order of Knights, and the Knights Hospitaller who were both famous, yet powerful, Christian groups who were from Germany. The Knights Templar still are around today but are referred to as just "Templars" or "Free Masons."

What year did knights live?

This year. Knights are with us today

Are the houses from 1066 still around today?

No there aint any workhouses still around today, because they are all exctinct.

Is child labor a prolbem today?

Yes, it is a very serious problem. They aren't getting their education and plus they have to do labor. Child labor is still happening everywhere in the world