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they're aliens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Are the locust on gears of war mutated humans?
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Do you shoot humans in gears of war?

Not in campaigne mode. but online you can if your a locust(the bad guys).

How long has the war in gears of war been going on?

Pendulum Wars lasted 79 years. that was humans fighting eachother. Locust Civil War (Locust-Lambent) is unknown. Human-Locust War lasted 16 years.

Which gears of war lets you play as the locust horde.Not including Gears of War 3?

Gears of war Judgement there is going a mode that you can play as the locust horde like Beast mode but in multiplayer

How Do you Get The Locust Ram GEARS OF WAR 2?

you have to play gears of war death match on xbox live.

Who was the last boss in gears of war 1?

general ram for the locust

Who helped cog fight the locust in gears of war 2?

lola did

What is gears of wars 3 about?

gears of war 3 is the sequel to the hit game gears of war 2 which is supposedly titled gears of war 3 extinction were you play as locust in story mode to kill of the the remaining cogs and humans on Sera this is supposed to come out in 2010 27th of July on xbox and now wii so you can use it without xbox live I don't know if all this entirely true though so don't hate if im wrong because i heard this on by some randomer who is no significants to this world

In gears of war 2 can you play campaign as the locust?

no sadly you can not but you can play multiplayer as one

Can you break locust necks in gears of war 3?

Yes. The Sawed-Off exucution.

Do the locust in gears of war have a sign?

yes, go to google images and type in "locust symbol". some locust have the symbol on a necklace that serves the same purpose as COG tags

Is there going to be gears of war3?

Yes, There is going to be a Gears of war 3. The Locust Gueen is not dead, the story of Adam Fenix is not completely solved and there is a secret message after the credits of Gears of war 2. I also heard there is going to be a Movie on the Gears of War Trilogy.

What is the enemy called in gears of war?

In general there called the locust, but they all have different types of names.