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Yes, they are.

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Q: Are the lungs made up of thick fibrous tissue?
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What are livers made out of?

it is an organ and it is made of flesh and muscle tissue it is an organ and it is made of flesh and muscle tissue

What are the lungs made up of?

Lungs are made up of millions of alveoli and bronchial tubes.

What type of tissue is your Achilles tendon?

Achilles tendon is a fibrous connective tissue made from collagen.

What bone regions are united by fibrous connective tissue?

There is no fibrous connective tissue in bone, but there is dense irregular tissue known as periosteum that covers bones (all except the articulating surfaces) and provides attachment sites for tendons and ligaments.

What kind of tissue forms tendons?

Tendons are made of fibrous connective tissue. They are mostly collagen.Collagen Type I

What are lungs made out of?

Blood tissue

What type of muscle tissue is found in the lungs?

Lungs are made of spongey elastic tissue. Muscles around the lungs help it contract.

Are the blood capillaries made of fibrous tissue?

i think yes i think yes

Explain why lungs are organs?

The lungs are organs because they are made up of tissue.

What is a capsule made up of tough fibrous connective tissue and filled with synovial fluid?

Bursae or Bursa

What is made up of ear drum?

In human anatomy, the eardrum, or tympanic membrane has two general regions. The larger pars tensa (tense part) region consists of three layers: skin, fibrous tissue, and mucosa. The pars flaccida (loose part) is made of the same tissue but it is missing the fibrous tissue middle layer.

Invertebral disc are made of what tissue?

You have outer annulus fibrosus. Which is made of fibrous tissue. Inside the annulus fibrosus, you have jelly like nucleus pulposus.