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No, they are not.

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Q: Are the major oceans of the world actually separate bodies of water?
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What are 3 major bodies of water?

Oceans, rivers, and lakes are three major bodies of water.

What are the major bodies of water in Colombia?

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

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Oceans rivers and lakes

What are 3 body of water?

Oceans, rivers, and lakes are three major bodies of water.

What are Major bodies of water in Washington?

lakes and rivers

Oceans are a major source of what?

water (salt water actually!! ) =))

What are the 3 major bodies of water surrounding the US?

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulfs of Mexico Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulfs of Mexico

What are the names of the 4 major bodies of waters?

Atlantic Ocean,Artic Ocean,Indian Ocean,Pacific Ocean

The generic name given to the largest bodies of water on earth?

The generic name given to the largest bodies of water on earth is the ocean. There are 5 major oceans on Earth.

What two major bodies of water are connected by the panama canal?

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A curious fact is that the Pacific entrance/exit is actually further east than the corresponding Atlantic one because of the lie of the land.

What is a description of the hydrosphere?

hydrosphere is the realm of the earth that constitutes major water bodies like oceans,seas,lakes,rivers.