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Not necessarily. Seahorses can change colors depending on their mood, so it all depends on the specimen.

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Q: Are the male seahorses are more colorful than the female seahorses?
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Do female seahorse are more colorful and beautiful than male seahorse?

Both the male and female seahorse are colorful during mating. They change to bright colors during their courtship. The male turns orange and the female turns pink. At other times the seahorses change color to blend into their surroundings.

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Male betta's are more colorful then female's

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The male will be more colorful than the female.

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In bird populations the male always is more colorful.

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look at the color... if its bright and colorful its a male. if its colorless its a female.

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That way the females would be attracted to males.

Is there more than the male seahorses that lay eggs?

Male seahorses dont lay eggs the female passes the fertilized eggs to a pouch in his abdomen where they hatch and he then gives"birth" to the babies.

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Males have longer, more colorful fins, females can be smaller.

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Male betta's are larger, more colorful, and have much longer fins. Female betta's are small, less colorful, and have short stubby fins.

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In the animal world the male are always more colorful and smaller. Females have less color and bigger. I imagine that is so with a turkey.