

Are the moon and the sun alike?

Updated: 7/1/2022
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9y ago

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i dont know and i dont give a you know what

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Ferne Streich

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1y ago
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Q: Are the moon and the sun alike?
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How are eclipse and solar eclipse alike?

They are alike because they both cast shadows. A lunar eclipse is when the moon is blocked by the sun while a solar eclipse is when the sun is blocked by the moon.

How are a lunar eclipse and a new moon alike?

Te moon eclipses the sun and the earth eclipses the moon

How is the moon and stars alike?

The moon is a hunk of rock and the sun is a ball of hydrogen gas. How ARE they alike? ____________ The moon and the sun are both round. You cannot touch either one from the Earth. If you were to stand on either one, you would quickly die.

How are the new moon and the full moon alike?

They are each a linear or nearly linear alignment of sun moon and earth.

How are the full moon and the new moon alike?

They are each a linear or nearly linear alignment of sun moon and earth.

How is solar and lunar eclipse alike?

they are alike because the sun,moon, and earth all line up in a straight line

How solar eclipse and lunar eclipse alike?

Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses both involve the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun's light from reaching Earth. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, creating a shadow on the Moon.

How is the moon and the sun not alike?

The Sun is a star and emits solar light, and is at the centre of our Universe. The Moon is a small satellite planet that orbits the Earth, and only reflects the light striking the Moon's surface.

How Is moon and sun alike?

The moon and the sun are both celestial bodies in space. The moon seems bright because the sun's light reflects off of the moon's surface. Also, the sun and moon follow the same path across Earth's sky during the shift from night to day (they both rise in the east and set in the west).

How are the sun and the moon alike?

They are both alike because they both have no gravity

How are the orbits of earth around the sun and the orbit of the moon around earth alike?

your mum , by the way i was here ROFL.

What is alike about the sun and the consumers?

they are alike