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Q: Are the motor neurons supplying the hamstrings stimulated or inhibited?
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What happen when receptor is stimulated?

When a receptor is stimulated it triggers impulses in other neurons....hope this was helpful and correct

What is an unstimulated neuron?

It is a neuron that is at its resting potential, not stimulated by input from other neurons.

Why does the nerve action potential increase slightly when you add 1.0 V to the threshold voltage and stimulate nerve?

The action potential increases slightly because more neurons are being stimulated.

What stimualtes muscles?

Muscles are stimulated by signals from nerve cells called motor neurons

When several neurons are stimulated equally which one will fire first?

The neuron with the lowest threshold potential will fire first when several neurons are stimulated equally. Threshold potential is the minimum level of depolarization needed to trigger an action potential in a neuron. Neurons with lower threshold potentials are more excitable and will fire before neurons with higher threshold potentials.

What changes occur in the neuron?

Neurons undergo depolarization and repolarization when stimulated. The sodium and potassium channels open.

What does Long-term potentiation involve?

The strength of the connection between two neurons is increased when they are simultaneously stimulated.

What is the difference between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons?

Presynaptic neurons release the neurotransmitter in response to an action potential. Postsynaptic neurons receive the neurotransmitter (and can however become presynaptic to the next nerve cell, if the neurotransmitter has stimulated the cell enough).

When neuron stimulated enough it?

When a neuron is stimulated enough, it reaches its threshold potential and fires an action potential. This action potential travels down the axon of the neuron, allowing for the communication of signals to other neurons or cells.

How do the types of neurons found in the CNS and pns differ in their function?

Sensory (afferent) neurons conduct sensory information toward the CNS.The brain and spinal cord contain interneurons. These receive information and if they are sufficiently stimulated, they stimulate other neurons.Motor neurons (efferent neurons) send information from interneurons to muscle or gland cells (effectors).

When receiving a massage what neurons are affected?

Any topical neuron can be stimulated through the pressure (whether it be little or a lot) of touch. In response to a topical neuron being stimulated it can cause a chain reaction effect to the neurological mapping of the area being affected.

How are sound receptors stimulated?

Pain receptors are bare dendrites that react to a certain type of stimulus. Some pain receptors become activated when extremes of heat or cold cause your skin temperature to rise or fall to dangerous levels. Hope this helps!