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Q: Are the pulp cavity and root canal living parts of the tooth?
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Can you get a cavity in a tooth that already has a root canal?


What is the function of the cavity?

A pulp cavity is the central cavity of a tooth containing the pulp (including the root canal) tooth - hard bone like structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense. bodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body. root canal - the passage in the root of a tooth through which its nerve and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity

What is the difference between a filling and a root canal?

when you get a filling, they drill some of the tooth which has a cavity and fill it. When you get a root canal, they drill all the way down and take out the nerve of the tooth. Getting a root canal is more painful then a filling.

Should you pull a first molar if it has a large cavity?

it depends how deep is your cavity .if the cavity is under your gum there are few chance to keep it because to do a root canal or put a crown is necessary remove all cavity and is contraindicated if your cavity is under your gum or close to the root. If the cavity is too big, sometimes there is nothing that can be done and the tooth has to be extracted. But a first molar is a big tooth that is important for chewing. If you lose it, it will affect the other teeth. Therefore if there is anyway to repair the cavity, by either a filling or a root canal, it would be the best option.

Do dentists remove the root of a tooth when a root canal is performed?

Yes, They do remove it. The reason for getting a tooth treated with the root canal treatment is because of the cavity of the teeth which has reached its root level and has started causing pain. Hence it is removed and treatment is completed by covering the infected tooth with the crown.

Can you have a cavity if its a permanent tooth?

Yes, you can you can get a cavity in a baby tooth as well as a permanent tooth.

What to do for a deep cavity and rotted tooth?

Have a dentist fill the cavity with or without a root canal, and while you're there, have him pull that tooth before the infection goes into the jawbone and you have to have part of your jaw removed. The dentist can also show you how to brush and floss your teeth to slow down further tooth damage.

Is there a major problem with a hole in a wisdom tooth?

Yes there is a problem. It means that you have a major cavity and you should have your wisdom tooth checked right away. The dentist would either tell you to do a filling on it if it is out enough and if the cavity is not too deep. The other alternative would be to extract it.If the tooth is well out and the cavity is into the pulp chamber (nerve), you might save your tooth by doing a root canal on it. That needs to be discussed with the dentist.By Cyberanto

What is the hole in a tooth?

cavity is the hole in tooth

What does cavity of the cove mean in poptropica skullduggery?

it means the cavity on the skeleton tooth which is the yellow tooth.

Is nose and nasal cavity the same?

a tooth cavity

Why does acid rot teeth?

Bacteria in your mouth convert sugar to acid. This acid erodes the enamel, eventually leading to a cavity that will need to be treated by a dentist. If left long enough, dental decay (cavity) can reach the nerve of the tooth and this will require either root canal therapy or removal of the tooth.