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Yes there is a problem. It means that you have a major cavity and you should have your wisdom tooth checked right away. The dentist would either tell you to do a filling on it if it is out enough and if the cavity is not too deep. The other alternative would be to extract it.

If the tooth is well out and the cavity is into the pulp chamber (nerve), you might save your tooth by doing a root canal on it. That needs to be discussed with the dentist.

By Cyberanto

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Q: Is there a major problem with a hole in a wisdom tooth?
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If you have a hole in the mouth with a white line around where a tooth use to be mean that you have a tooth coming back in. I would go to the doctor and have them check it out.

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What is the hole in a tooth?

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Of course there is going to be a substantial hole, that's the socket where the tooth was. As for the white you are seeing, that would be part of the jaw bone and was supporting the tooth that is now extracted. Your dentist can remove some of it, if you want but its not necessary!

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Not necessarily a cavity. May be sensitivity to salt or chemical composition of dissolving foodstoof.

Why do we get a hole in your tooth?

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What is the answer to this riddle with mist I am a wrong that says you need some drilling with tooth a problem A hole in need of filling?

Ache (mistake, toothache)

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Your friend needs to see a dentist. It is very likely that they'll extract (pull) the tooth because the black hole means that the tooth has rotted out. It also causes bad breath. Bad dental hygiene can cause heart disease.

What is a tiny hole behind the back of a tooth?

i think you are referring to the lingual fossa.

What does it mean if there is a small hole in the gums inside the mouth after the last tooth but before the wisdom teeth?

I have the same problem. I never got my wisdom teeth taken out. I am 23 years old now, and a few days ago i found a small hole, about the size of a pencil lead right behind my last moler, in between where my wisdom tooth should be, and where the molar is. Food gets stuck in it, its very sensitive to cold/hot. It almost feels as the pain would feel before having a root canal. I would also like to know possible things this could be. I looked up mouth cancer, and its not a sign or symptom of it.

What is it called if you have a hole in your tooth?

"Cary" (one r ) is the real, or, medical, term for a hole in a tooth due to tooth decay. These are commonly referred to as "cavities" however a "cavity" technically can be a hole or depression in anything. A Cary is specifically a hole in a tooth.