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Q: Are the sex cells lined up in the middle of the cell during meiosis?
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How do metaphase of meiosis I and meiosis II differ?

It is different because pairs of chromosomes line up down the middle and in metaphase II single chromosomes are lined up across the middle

What is the name phase of homologous chromosomes lined up at the equator in pairs?

metaphase I of meiosis

Where do the twin chromosomes that split apart move to during meiosis?

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during the metaphase stage of cell division. The plane in which the chromosomes are lined up is called the metaphasic plane.During anaphase, the chromosomes move into the two daughter cells toward the centrioles located at the poles of the daughter cells.sorry that's not one of the answers to me knowledge im thinking it would be asters they move in the opposite directions chromosome numbers are the same afterwards.NucleiAstersChromosomesSpindle fibers

The phase in mitosis in which the chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the spindle?


What is the independent segregation of genes in different chromosomes during gamete formation?

During Meiosis 1, each chromosome will line up alongside its homologous partner. For example in humans this means that there will be 23 homologous pairs lying side by side. The order in which they line up in is random, one pair will pass to each daughter cell, which pair goes into the daughter cell and with which one of any of the other pairs, depends on how the pairs are lined up in the parent cell. Since the pairs are lined up at random the combination of chromosomes that goes into the daughter cell at meiosis 1 is also random, this is called Independent segregation

Related questions

How do metaphase of meiosis I and meiosis II differ?

It is different because pairs of chromosomes line up down the middle and in metaphase II single chromosomes are lined up across the middle

When does independent assortment occur in meiosis?

Independent assortment occurs during metaphase I

What is the name phase of homologous chromosomes lined up at the equator in pairs?

metaphase I of meiosis

Where do the twin chromosomes that split apart move to during meiosis?

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during the metaphase stage of cell division. The plane in which the chromosomes are lined up is called the metaphasic plane.During anaphase, the chromosomes move into the two daughter cells toward the centrioles located at the poles of the daughter cells.sorry that's not one of the answers to me knowledge im thinking it would be asters they move in the opposite directions chromosome numbers are the same afterwards.NucleiAstersChromosomesSpindle fibers

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What is the difference between anaphase 1 and anaphase 2 in meiosis?

Hello, Anaphase 1 and 2 are both part of the process of meiosis, the division of sex cells, and they are both phases where chromosomes are being pulled apart by the centrioles. However, in anaphase one the chromosomes are lined up in homologous pairs, meaning that there are two chromosomes side by side, so when the centrioles pull they are separating two unconnected chromosomes. In anaphase two the chromosomes are lined up in single file. So the centrioles are pulling one chromosome apart. It eventually breaks the link at the centromere of the chromosome and results in two sister chromatids. Hope this is clear enough to understand!

What is lined with mucous-secreting cells called the mucosa.?

The Stomach

What is the first event to occur during DNA replication?

DNA replication occurs during mitosis and meiosis. During this process, the DNA is lined up before being duplicated so that each cell that's created from the process has the DNA needed.

When does a cell go through meiosis?

First of all, most cells in the body divide through the process of mitosis, except for sex cells, sperm and eggs. They must divide through a different process, meiosis, because they must end up with half the number of chromosomes as a typical cell after they divide. Another word for a cell with half the normal amount of chromosomes is a haploid cell. Diploid cells are cells with the normal amount of chromosomes. Meiosis occurs much more often in men, who are constantly reproducing sperm, whereas women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. Cells go through meiosis whenever they are in need of creating more haploid sex cells.

What phase of meiosis is photographed when creating a karyotype?

The optimal phase is metaphase, since during metaphase all sister chromatids are paired and lined up neatly at the centre of te cell. A solution of colchicine is usually used to arrest dividing cells at metaphase so that a picture can be taken.

The phase in mitosis in which the chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the spindle?


Who profited from the middle passage?

Slave traders profited from the Middle Passage. The Middle Passage is one of the most horrific moments in World History and it lined the pockets of the slave traders who captured human beings and sold them like objects.