

Are the termites decomposers

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes. im not sure but i think so

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Q: Are the termites decomposers
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Can you get a list of decomposers please?

I do believe that earthworms and termites are decomposers as well.

What are some things that are decomposers?

list of decomposers are-------> fungi bacteria earthworms termites protozoans

Why are termites and woodlice not decomposers?

They feed on dead things!

Which is not a decomposer mushroom leech termites or millipede?

Leeches are not decomposers.

What do termites do in the rainforest?

Termites clean the forest floor by eating dead trees

What decomposers are their in Belize?

Decomposers found in the country of Belize are millipedes, termites, and different types of fungi. Other decomposers include velvet worms and snails.

What role do bacteria termites worms and fungi play?

They are decomposers in ecosystems.

Are termites decomposers?

AnswerYes, they are. They have protozoa in their stomachs do help digest the wood.

What do decomposers include?

Fungi, like mushrooms. Termites, Earthworms.

Sahara desert decomposers?

Decomposers found in the Sahara Desert include different types of bacteria and fungi. Other decomposers include termites, moss, dung beetles, and worms.

Is a insect a decompose?

Many insects are decomposers as they consume dead materials, but not all insects are decomposers. Honey bees would not be considered decomposers. Termites would be considered decomposers.

Is an insect a decompose?

Many insects are decomposers as they consume dead materials, but not all insects are decomposers. Honey bees would not be considered decomposers. Termites would be considered decomposers.