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Yes they are very legit. On the back of monster energy drink it says drink no more than 3 in a 24 hour period. I drank 4 within about 12 hours, and i basicily overdosed on caffene, i started shaking, couldn't sleep for 14+ hours, heart was racing, felt like it was going to stop. PLEASE be carefull, consume responsibily

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Q: Are the warnings and labels for energy drinks are legitimate why?
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Labels that indicate warnings and side effects are known as what labels?

I have only heard them referred to as warning labels and disclaimers.

Suggest why hazard warnings signs are used on labels instead of written warnings?

Because if it was a writing some couldn't read because they dont probably know the same language so labels are better

What contains caffiene?

Many soft drinks contain caffeine some examples are Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola and Mountain Dew. "Energy" drinks also contain caffeine. Just read labels.

What is juggernog energy drink?

There is none. Juggernog is a fictional drink from Call of Duty that doubles your health. Correction. They are now making a line of zombie inspired energy drinks with the labels and all.

What warnings might nightwear and furnishings have on the label?

the labels will be tumble dry for furnishings and 50c gentle action

Which of these is not included on an energy guide label?

The materials used to manufacture the product are often not included on energy guide labels.

Is costume makeup safe for toddlers?

Some costume make up isnt safe for toddlers so you should read any labels and warnings before applying costume makeup to toddlers.

Does nutrition labels list the energy content in food in degrees?

No, it list the energy content in calories, which is the amount of energy to raise a quantity of water by a certain temperature.

What is considered an energy drink?

Energy drinks are incredibly popular and contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine. An average energy drink contains 160 milligrams of caffeine and 60 grams of sugar and well as over 200 calories. Many of the energy drinks have warnings labels that say things like "not for children, pregnaent woman, or people sensitive to caffeine". So to answer your question, no energy drinks are not healthy but I drink them anyway.

Why don't alcoholic drinks have nutrition facts?

Alcoholic beverages don't yet have nutrition labels because of political disagreements about what to include and not include on such labels. Consumers are the losers in the situation because they're being kept in the dark about exactly what's in what they're drinking.

When did cigarette companies voluntarily put warning labels on boxes?

1966-caution-Cigarette Smoking may be hazardous to your health 1970-warning-The SURGEON GENERAL has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health I found this on a google search.

How do energy rating labels help consumers?

It allows you to compare the average energy use of a particular appliance to the average use for all appliances of that type, and project the cost of energy to operate the appliance.