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Dates often crytalize but this is a sign of good quality, also steamed dates are more likely to crystalize.

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Q: Are the white dots on organic dates crystallized sugar or the eggs of some insect?
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When did they invent sugar crystals?

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How is sugar form from sugarcane?

Sugarcane juice is extracted from the sugar cane and then crystallized.

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No. Rock candy is crystallized sugar.

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As nutritious as pure sugar. Rock Candy is 100% sugar, crystallized.

How do you know sugar is organic?

yes, cane sugar is organic.

Is organic sugar and granulated sugar the same thing?

Organic sugar and granulated sugar is not the same thing

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Sugar (sucrose) is a crystallized compound - with a monoclinic structure. But it is possible to obtain unstable amorphous sucrose (table sugar).

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Unprocessed sugar is considered organic because it comes directly from the sugar plant.

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Is crystalline sugar organic or inorganic?

It is organic

Is refined sugar organic or inorganic?

it is organic